These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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Executes an EventRegistration operation

I'm trying to register people in to IMIS event using following. POST https\://IMISSITE/api/EventRegistration/\_execute I have the following in the body of the request and its works fine. { "$type":"Asi.Soa.Events.DataContracts.EventRegistrationRequest, Asi.Contracts", "BillTo":"84008", "EntityTypeName":"EventRegistration", "EventId":"20250527E2", "RegistrationOptionFunctionId":"20250527E2/20ECONOV17FULL1", "FunctionId":"20250527E2/20ECONOV17FLPG3", "OperationName":"EventRegistration", "RegisteredBy":"2", "RegistrantId":"84008", "RegistrationType":3, "Waitlist": false } How should i constructs the json body in case i have an event with multiple program items.? Much appreciate if you can provide me an example.

And where's the documentation for the /token endpoint?

Honestly I'm ready to start touring senior citizen communities. Where's the documentation for how to request a token? I know all this but I'm just to point a developer to the documentation and I can't find it. Thanks.

Where's the documentation for the /query endpoint?

I realize I'm well into AARP territory but I just can't see it. I know the endpoint works but where's the documentation link for it? Thanks.

NotIn filter operator

Hello, <br /> I need to use a NotIn operator when making an API call. I came across this thread that it was supported, but not documented: <> This seems to work for the Party endpoint, but not for general panel source endpoints? Is that correct? We could really use it as a standard filter operation across all endpoints. Trying to use this operation on something panel source endpoint yields: "FieldName":"NotIn","Message":"Not a supported comparison type"

ComboOrder error when payment amount is over the invoice balance

When executing a POST HTTP Call to the ComboOrder api for submitting an open invoice payment I get a generic error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) if the payment amount is over/more than the balance. 1. Why the error we get is a generic one instead of describing what is really happening? 2. Testing this scenario from within the iMIS UI, I see that a new invoice (Description = PrePay) including the exceeded payment amount is automatically created, why the API behaves different? {"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultsData, Asi.Contracts","Errors":{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultDataCollection, Asi.Contracts","$values":[{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultData, Asi.Contracts","Message":" \r\n Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}]},"Warnings":{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultDataCollection, Asi.Contracts","$values":\[]}}; Thanks, Diego

POST CsNameLog

I wasn't sure if CsNameLog is part of the data contract list but I did find I can POST to it and add an entry. Will this be supported in 20.3 for the foreseeable future? ```json POST /api/CsNameLog { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericEntityData, Asi.Contracts", "EntityTypeName": "CsNameLog", "PrimaryParentEntityTypeName": "Party", "PrimaryParentIdentity": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.IdentityData, Asi.Contracts", "EntityTypeName": "Party", "IdentityElements": { "$type": "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [ "160" ] } }, "Properties": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyDataCollection, Asi.Contracts", "$values": [ { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "DATE_TIME", "Value": "2024-07-31T14:10:00" }, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "ID", "Value": "160" }, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "LOG_TEXT", "Value": "Postman" }, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "LOG_TYPE", "Value": "CHANGE" }, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "SUB_TYPE", "Value": "ADD" }, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "USER_ID", "Value": "MANAGER" } ] } } ```

TaskQueue endpoints not functioning

Good afternoon, It appears that the Task Queue section of the API is not currently functional. Can someone please confirm? Thanks, Korey

Cancel Renewal via API

Hello, We're trying to allow members to change their member type or category using a custom form and would then like to rebill them using the API. However because they may need a new billing cycle, I need to cancel the renewal or reverse their invoice first. I've tried a few of the reversal operations on api/Invoice/\_execute but all the ones I've tried return an "OperationNotAvailable" error. Is there a way to use the same functionality as the Cancel Renewal button on the member profile through the API? Thanks!

REST API flowdown

Hello, We have an integration to update iMIS using the REST API. It is all working well, except for one issue: when the CO_ID for an office changes information flows down from the CO_ID (the association) to the office (e.g. phone, fax and address). The office is a company in iMIS and linked to an association a company in iMIS. Originally, we had a problem with the company name flowing down to the office, but were able to resolve that with the FlowDownInstituteName set to false, which addressed the issue. It does not appear FlowDownInstituteName stops other flows like we are getting with phone, fax and address. Are their other REST API or iMIS Set-up options to prevent this flow when the CO_ID changes? Thanks Nick EMS version

Public user API call to /api/Subscription/~Id|ItemId returns a 403

I'm getting a 403 (Forbidden) response trying to call the /Subscription endpoint as a public user. Works for a full user. The root call to /Subscription works (doesn't error) but doesn't return anything. I assume this is by design? A public user can't call that endpoint to get billing details - and subsequently we can't update it (as the public user)? Makes sense, just looking for confirmation, I can't seem to find which endpoints work for which security levels. Thanks.