These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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Ampersand in Product Code Prevents Product from Displaying in Cloud iMIS

We have numerous product codes that contain ampersands and due to the nature of the url in the cloud version of iMIS, these ampersands are perceived to begin a new query parameter; thus, the appropriate product is not returned. We are able to work around this using %26 in place of the ampersand in the url; however, we cannot instruct our end users to do this.

Party Data Object Cannot Be Deserialized without Gender

If the gender on a person record is empty, the JSON returned at the Party endpoint cannot be deserialized using the Person Data contract because the gender object is looking for a code which appear to be only M or F and does not take into account an empty value.

Combo Order - Item Description, Name and Note

While creating combo orders through the API, we have noticed that setting values for Description, Name, and Note in the Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.ItemSummaryData, Asi.Contracts (Item Object) does not result in the set value being stored in iMIS Enterprise. However, if an item is ordered through the iMIS interface and and a note is added, the note is properly stored. It appears that the SET property is not function as needed. For the Name and Description, it appears that a lookup from the Product table is what is being used instead of what is being sent through the API.

Advanced Query Between Syntax

for most of the advanced queries it is quite simple to get syntax from the example given in the documentation. country is the table or BO ?countryname is the column =contains is the the query :united is the value you are looking for but the between query needs two values and I am not sure on the syntax to accomplish this. I've tried these without success ?ID=between:100:200 ?ID=between:100&200 ?ID=between:100and200 Anyone know the syntax to get the Between query to work?

Update a Subscription through REST

Hi, We're trying to update an existing Subscription through REST. I am able to GET a Subscription successfully but I am unable to update the same Subscription with a PUT. I am looking to update the BillBegin and BillThrough fields specifically. I tried to use: the endpoint - ../Subscription/{PartyId} for which I got a 404 and the endpoint - ../Subscription?{PartyId}&{ProductCode} for which I got a 405. I believe these are editable based on the article here - But we're missing information on how to modify these fields. What does the API need for a valid call? Please let me know. Thanks, Ram Devarapu

Create Event Status Other then active

I am trying to create an event using API call. I have not been able to create event with a status other then 'A'. if I specify "Status": "P" for Pending or "Status": "F" for Frozen the event get's created with a status of 'A'. If I specify a custom status of "Status": "S" then I get a bad request error. Is there a way to create an event that isn't active immediately?


Is there an endpoint that will show "all" parameters for an IQA? The [FindByPath]( only seems to return inputs required by end-users. There may be filters whose values are coming from `URL parameters`, for example: `"@url:ID"`. How are those being handled in a REST API call? Thank you for any assistance.

Missing JSON code in party.postman for iMIS Cloud

Hi there, I download the Party iMISRESTCollection for iMIS Cloud version from GITHUB using this link I try to find the way to use the Post method in to create a party but it seems the JSON syntax missing and it cause the error when I click sent button in Postman. The please see the error in this screenshot: Thank you for your help.

Any handy shortcuts for working with iMIS Javascript?

Hi, My case is manipulating various iMIS pages to align closer to our business processes. For example it may involve changing label names on options, or getting/manipulating the data in a query menu. However, some iMIS pages are dynamic and have partial refreshes, so doing such DOM manipulations on content load is lost after a dynamic change. For example: Query Menu when you click the find button, and on checkout when you change payment method. One method (which I use on checkout page) is to use [MutationObserver]( which is pretty neat, however it takes a bit to setup and apply. Are there any JS events/hooks that would be helpful when interacting with dynamic iMIS pages? Thanks.

Content: MetaTag Image

Hello, Can you please advise how to get the "MetaTag Image" of a content using REST API for iMIS cloud? Thank you and kind regards, Bilal