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These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.192.


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EMS API - updating the Party (or CsContact) EntityCode

Hi - I'm trying to update a person's EntityCode from DEMO to another value. I tried doing a PUT against the Party endpoint, and a PUT against the CsContact endpoint. In both cases, the response from the PUT reflects the new value of the property, so it appears the update succeeded, but if I do a GET shortly after the update, it still reflects the original value.


Create a view in SQL database using API

Hi team,


REST API - 2017 - query by ID or PartyID for a UD_Table?

Hi - I have an interesting case where I'm trying to query the API for a UD_Table. When I call:


Making async calls from an iPart

We have some custom .ascx iParts four our on-prem iMIS version, to which we applied the Telerik security update from march 2020 (Telerik version is 2020.1.219.45).
We are now trying to update the iParts to make some post async calls to a web API for integration with other systems (we need to send some notification messages about custom data used by the iParts).
The iParts use target .NET framework 4.6.2 (as per current version of iMIS) and System.Net.http runtime
We followed recommended practices for making the async calls.


Ampersand in Product Code Prevents Product from Displaying in Cloud iMIS

We have numerous product codes that contain ampersands and due to the nature of the url in the cloud version of iMIS, these ampersands are perceived to begin a new query parameter; thus, the appropriate product is not returned. We are able to work around this using %26 in place of the ampersand in the url; however, we cannot instruct our end users to do this.


Party Data Object Cannot Be Deserialized without Gender

If the gender on a person record is empty, the JSON returned at the Party endpoint cannot be deserialized using the Person Data contract because the gender object is looking for a code which appear to be only M or F and does not take into account an empty value.


Combo Order - Item Description, Name and Note

While creating combo orders through the API, we have noticed that setting values for Description, Name, and Note in the Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.ItemSummaryData, Asi.Contracts (Item Object) does not result in the set value being stored in iMIS Enterprise. However, if an item is ordered through the iMIS interface and and a note is added, the note is properly stored. It appears that the SET property is not function as needed. For the Name and Description, it appears that a lookup from the Product table is what is being used instead of what is being sent through the API.


Update a Subscription through REST



Create Event Status Other then active

I am trying to create an event using API call. I have not been able to create event with a status other then 'A'. if I specify "Status": "P" for Pending or "Status": "F" for Frozen the event get's created with a status of 'A'. If I specify a custom status of "Status": "S" then I get a bad request error.
Is there a way to create an event that isn't active immediately?

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