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UserSecurity Endpoint

Good morning, When attempting to create a new user via the UserSecurity endpoint, I get the message "Does not have required permission. (O)" I have changed permissions for the postman user with no success. I am following the documentation at Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Korey

Possible to update Item.ItemCode in the API?

Hi - pretty sure this isn't possible, but wanted to see if there's a workaround. I'm trying to change a product's ItemCode in the API - so I do a GET on Item?EntityId=ABC/1, and then I PUT back the body with the following properties changed: ... "ItemCode": "ABC_1", "ItemId": "ABC_1", ... And my PUT URI is the same as the GET: /Item?EntityId=ABC/1 I get the message "Product with product code 'ABC_1' was not found." (I was hoping the ABC/1 in the URI would retrieve the record, and the body would overwrite the ItemCode and ItemId, but alas, nay.) Is there another way to do this?

CompanySort on Party Endpoint

Good morning, Performing a GET request on the Party endpoint, returns JSON data containing a Sort field; however, the value in that field is not actually the CompanySort field value. Could this be fixed or could the CompanySort field be added to the response? Thanks, Korey

Is it possible to override Item name or invoice description when POSTing a combo order

Hi, I'm successfully able to post a combo order to raise an invoice using the 'BillMe' payment method, including being able to overide the price of the item. What I'd also like to do is be able to overide the Invoice Description and the Description showing against the invoice line. The scenario is I need to raise an invoice for a late fee - the amount depends on the number of days late the individual is submitting an application form. What I'd like to do is have a single product "Late Fee" and then be able to overide the description on the item/invoice to say "late fee - 45 overdue" for example. My alternative is I create a seperate product for each period they could be late, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days etc, but I'm hoping I can do so with less products.

/api/iqa linit command not working for over 500

In the example below we are trying to get the results of a query string queryPath = "$/MPStaff/Reports/Masterplumber Reports/Find Plumbers Extract"; string requiredParameter = "&Limit=600"; // Define headers for a REST API connection HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", strsessionAccesstoken); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); // Make a request to the API HttpResponseMessage queryResult = client.GetAsync($"{strdomainname}/api/iqa?QueryName={queryPath}/{requiredParameter}").Result; In iMS the IQA returns more than 500 records, but the API only returns 500, even if we use the limit command in the request. Is there a way to ensure all records are returned by the API? Cheers

How to find an event registration invoice better?

From the documentation there: [Find the invoice ]( The recommended query is a bit `vague` as shown: > https://{{URL}}/api/Invoice?BillToParty.PartyId=21095&InvoiceDate=2019-05-29T00:00:00 _For example, what if the user has multiple invoice on the same date?_ Is there a better (sure) way to achieve that? When [registering]( for an event, we have this information: > `AdditionalAttributes` > `AssociatedInvoiceId` > `99.00` From my understanding that is an `order` number. How do we retrieve the related `invoice` record from that value using this endpoint: [Returns an InvoiceSummary by id]( In other words, how to get the `InvoiceId` (Invoice) value from that `AssociatedInvoiceId` (Event Registration) value? Please help.

500 Internal Server Error "An error occurred. Please contact the administrator."

When I try to do a GET command for /api/Address/13734 with PostMan I get 500 Internal Server Error and a error message "An error occurred. Please contact the administrator." In the API documentation there is no mention of /Address GET command but how am I supposed to get the address object with the address id?

Finding Event Pricing

Hello, How do we determine (get) the default amount when trying to register a user for an event? I am having a hard time searching for the pricing to apply on: * A registration option * A program item For example: is there a REST endpoint that would provide the right amount to bill given a member record (iMIS ID) and a function or registration option record (function/event code/id)? Please help. Thank you, Molivouth.

PUT calls for IQA Quries

Is there documentation on how to update data from an IQA query. I know for example there are PUT commands in the REST API for many of the objects; However, is there a way to update the GenericEntityData IQA directly or do I need to serialize the GenericEntityData object into whatever object I want to be updated and then use that PUT command?

Asi.Contracts dll

Is there a place to get the latest Asi.Contracts dll for use in external development against the API?