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REST API - commerce products - discount price

Anyone know what /Item endpoint property corresponds to the Discount Price field for commerce products? In EMS, the only currency property is TempDefaultPrice, which corresponds to Standard Price - I don't see a way to set the discount price in the API. Thanks!

Rest Api for SSRS

I am able to retrieve IQA via rest api but as some of the IQA does not have complex SQL query like SSRS, is it possible to retrieve the SSRS reports similar like IQA ? Current IQA syntax is https://{{URL}}/api/iqa?queryname=$/Common/Queries/Search/Contact/Last Name&parameter=eq:smith Can i have similar SSRS syntax eg https://{{URL}}/api/ssrs?CommandText=$/Common/SSRS/Search/Contact/Last Name&parameter=eq:smith

Rest API endponit to update and delete a Committee (Group)

Hello, does anyone know how can I update an existing Committee group ? I'm posting to this endpoint to create successfully, but it doesn't work for update or remove. https://{{URL}}/api/Group Thank you !

/api/Communication with no ID returns a 400 and error

iMIS - call made to /api/Communication (as per with no ID parameter returns a 400 response and the text: {"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultsData, Asi.Contracts","Errors":{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultDataCollection, Asi.Contracts","$values":[{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultData, Asi.Contracts","Message":"Query does not contain any criteria"}]},"Warnings":{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultDataCollection, Asi.Contracts","$values":[]}} Would have expected it to return the communications as per "Returns a list or single record of Communication". Thanks.

Adding a negative amount MISC item to Membership Fees using REST API

We are using iMIS Cloud Is there a way using the REST API to set an arbitrary negative amount to a membership MISC product type and have it show in the Membership Fees section? It wouldn't be a subscription item as we are tracking overpayments and then want to apply that as a credit to their next transaction.

Can you update "Date of Publication" of a RiSE document via the API?

I see there's the Document endpoint, however when querying that I see various metadata like "CreatedOn" and "UpdatedOn", however not something that might be like the Date of Publication field. Is this not possible? Thank you.

API Caching?

I am trying to get the status of a product by making a call to Item endpoint shortly after the product status has changed and I find that even though I can see the product as inactive in the database, This call will return active upwards of 15 mins after the status has changed. https://{baseUrl}/imis/API/Item/{Product Code} Is there maybe some server side caching that holds product information and updates every 15 mins or so?

REST API - LegacyBillingItem with forward slash in ItemId

Hello - I have a billing item with an ItemId of "CHAPT/NORTH". I need to update the product using an API PUT request, but the slash in the name is preventing me, even if I encode it. These paths fail for both GET and PUT requests: /api/LegacyBillingItem/CHAPT/NORTH (404) /api/LegacyBillingItem/CHAPT%2FNORTH (404) /api/LegacyBillingItem/CHAPT%252FNORTH (400) Wondering if there's a workaround for this? Thanks!

Create Voluntary Contribution Subscription with price

Is there a way to create a voluntary contribution in the Subscriptions table and pass the dollar amount?

How do I create an organization record with a parent ID

Hi, I'm trying to use the Party endpoint to create a new Organization record in iMIS such that it is a branch of a a parent org record. Think Versaton Europe in the started db being a child of Versaton Global Headquarters. { $type: "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.OrganizationData, Asi.Contracts", OrganizationName: "Versaton Europe 2", Name: "Versaton Europe 2", Sort: "Versaton Europe 2", AdditionalAttributes: { $type: "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyDataCollection, Asi.Contracts", $values: [ { $type: "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", Name: "CustomerTypeCode", Value: "C", }, { $type: "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", Name: "ParentPartyId", Value: "23087", } ], }, Status: { $type: "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.PartyStatusData, Asi.Contracts", PartyStatusId: "A", }, } It does successfully create the new record as a child of Versaton Global Headquarters, but it seems the name of the new child org gets overwritten to "Versaton Global Headquarters" instead of the "Versaton Europe 2" that provided - I imagine this is related to company flowdown, turning off the option for address to flow down does not prevent this. I also noticed the same thing happens when adding a ParentPartyId to an existing organisation contact via the Party endpoint. What is the correct way to create a child org using the REST API such that the name is not overwritten? Thanks, Martin