These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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DELETE /api/PriceSheet/[id]

Hello, As posted in this support ticket: When you attempt a DELETE on the endpoint you get a 500 error. I assume there's supposed to be a "Unsupported method" error instead? Thanks

Using PUT for iMIS Desktop User Defined Tables

When attempting to update some data in a user defined table that was created through the iMIS desktop application, I received the following error message: {"$type":"System.Web.Http.HttpError, System.Web.Http","Message":"The requested resource does not support http method 'PUT'."} Is it true that these tables do not support PUT? Also, as we are working on our move to the iMIS cloud, how are these tables converted during the upgrade process? Should we create panel sources to replace these desktop user defined tables? Thanks, Korey

Pay for a particular item using ComboOrder

Is there a way to apply a specific payment to a dues item using the ComboOrder api? Say for example one dues item is $90 and another is $40. If the individual pays $110 could the payment be programmatically split between the two items? And if there is a payment priority applied to the items how would I be able to override that so the individual can define which one they want to pay off first? Also if there is a situation in which they overpay could the ComboOrder handle credits from last payment or does that need to be applied through some other means?

Rest api - 2017

Hello, when I call the API to get the Groups (Committees) it works fine, but it brings a lot of sub nodes that are not very necessary for me. Would it be possible to ask to the API to not bring the "Roles" node, like in the example text below ? "Roles": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.GroupRoleDataCollection, Asi.Contracts", "$values": [ { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.GroupRoleData, Asi.Contracts", "UseDates": true, "RoleId": "COMMITTEE:ABBK", "Name": "Bookkeeper", "Priority": 0 }, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.GroupRoleData, Asi.Contracts", "UseDates": true, "RoleId": "COMMITTEE:ABCASE_REV", "Name": "Case Review", "Priority": 38 }, ...... Thank you!

Is there any way to create panel definition using rest apis ?

I want to create new panel definition with its source using restful apis


Hi, This is in the context of ASI hosted iMIS Cloud offering. I would like to know how to deal with timezones and the api. It appears that most (all?) datetime values are stored/sent in the "local instance time" of the hosted iMIS Cloud instance. Is this known to change at any point? It seems like a bad idea, especially considering DST issues. Thank you

Is the GET /api/Organization endpoint working as intended?

Hello, I have posted a support ticket here (which contains full output responses): It appears that GET /api/Organization with no other params is only showing deleted contacts (or some subset of them). "Offset": 0, "Limit": 100, "Count": 17, "TotalCount": 20067, "NextPageLink": null, "HasNext": true, "NextOffset": 17 In addition, ```offset``` param doesn't appear to be working GET /api/Organization?offset=17 "Offset": 0, "Limit": 100, "Count": 17, "TotalCount": 20067, "NextPageLink": null, "HasNext": true, "NextOffset": 17 No matter what offset I use I get the above. Even when ?offset=17&limit=100 I believe I ran in to a similar issue which was because Organization was a subset of Party the filters weren't working correctly but I'm unsure if that's still the case or not. The limit param appears to be updating: ?offset=17&limit=200 "Offset": 0, "Limit": 200, "Count": 17, "TotalCount": 20067, "NextPageLink": null, "HasNext": true, "NextOffset": 17 Thanks.

GET LegacyBillingItem by ID

This endpoint doesn't seem to work for anything other than orders or fundraising products (or at least, I can't get it to work for events and/or chapter/committee products). I can pull the entire list and parse it but the endpoint for Returns a LegacyBillingItem by id GET{LegacyBillingItemId} Seems like it should work. I've tried encoding the / with no luck. Thanks.

Incorrect Results for Modified Profile Info

We are not able to retrieve recently updated Persons. To retrieve Persons we used the following curl: curl -X GET \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' In response we see Persons that do not match filtering, we expect to see just Persons that were updated later than 2021-11-25T15:07:03.673 but we also get values updated at 2021-11-02T19:19:38.647. But the same query with filter CreatedOn value works as expected.

Event list - filter by event type/category

Hi, Trying to filter on event category via the /api/Event endpoint. This doesn't seem possible at the moment? I'm able to do this via /api/CsEvent?MeetingType=AGM however I would much rather use the proper API endpoints. I've tried: /api/Event?MeetingType=AGM /api/Event?Type=AGM /api/Event?EventType=AGM /api/Event?Category=AGM /api/Event?EventCategoryId=AGM /api/Event?EventCategory=AGM All result in "In the query, <...> is not a known property name." It would be super handy if there was a list of these "property name"s that worked. Thank you.