These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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does iMIS 2017 Rest api support "iMIS panel source" operations? or only iMIS cloud supports it?

in iMIS 2017 documentation, it doesn't mention any api for "iMIS panel source". in iMIS cloud documentation, it does mention the support for "iMIS panel source".

In Kind Cash Accounts

Hi, When I try to pay In-Kind, I see the error "Business rule violation. Cash account type 'Other' is not supported." Is there a way to process In-Kind donations into iMIS through REST?

How to access iMIS SOA from Angular

Hi, I am new to iMIS and Angular and I am trying to build an application to register a Party to an Event. I found a C# example at that appears to be exactly what I want to do. What's got me stumped is how to translate the C# "using" statements into Angular "import" statements. Is there an Angular example somewhere that can give me the information I need? Thanks,

Event registration - substitute

Is it possible to substitute a different attendee on an existing booking, thru REST? If so, is there an example of how to do this?

Generate Renewals Fiddler dump

Hello, Following on from this thread: I wasn't able to successfully make any request that performed a Generate Renewal action. Since it's impossible for an end user of iMIS Cloud to capture/intercept requests using fiddler, can I please get an example fiddler capture [.har or other all-inclusive capture format would be good] (if it's not too much trouble, having it annotated where clicks happen on the staff site would be immensely helpful) performing the following on the Staff site: * Generate Renewals * Enter billing run name * Select an appropriate billing cycle (preferably a simple one with single membership fee and a chapter) * Enter appropriate dates to get results * Click Generate Bills * How to know the Batch number/ID of the newly generated bills? * Posting a batch I assume once the previous step is complete and we have a batch ID we can simply use this? Finally I would just like to confirm if this logic is going to be significantly changed at some point? The reason I ask is that there is this: Currently the "usual Staff site generate renewals" functionality doesn't discriminate between autopay and non-autopay renewals. Is that going to change? (i.e. will the fiddler capture be wildly different soon?) Thank you.

ComboOrder: how to set the org_code

Hi, I am trying to find a way to set the org_code, financial entity in a combo order for normal orders. Where would I set this? I have tried several places trying to add the following "FinancialEntity":{ "$type": "Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.FinancialEntitySummaryData, Asi.Contracts", "EntityCode":"WATER", "FinancialEntityId":"WATER" } Thanks a lot for your help!

Custom Keys access issue in Service pack Y

Hi All, Custom keys are defined under SystemParams section in webconfig file. Retrieve those keys in master page issue in IMIS 2017 service pack Y. Thanks, Sami.

GET REST API - Retrieving volumes of data with more than 500 records

Hi team, I'm doing a GET request to an IQA with a couple of thousand records as result, but the GET return 500 records as max. I tried to modify Limit, offset, etc and it's okay if the number is < 500 - the number of rows in the result is effectively modified - but it's not doing anything if the limit parameter is > 500. Any idea how I can force a result with more than 500 records? Thanks in advance, Chris,

Parse the json payload from an IQA

I'm trying to parse through the payload returned from an IQA within c#. Is there a simple way to do this? For example, I need the values of Joe and Smith from the below payload such that I can populate a textbox on a web form. Json.NET is our installed framework. Thank you in advance for any help. { "$type": "System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject, System.Core", "Items": { "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject, System.Core]], mscorlib", "$values": [ { "$type": "System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject, System.Core", "ResultRow": "2", "UserName": "1234567", "FirstName": "Joe", "LastName": "Smith", "EMAIL": "[email protected]", "RegistrationTimeStamp": "2021-03-12T09:16:00", "RegInterval": 49332 } ] }, "Offset": 1, "Limit": 1, "Count": 1, "TotalCount": 6061, "NextPageLink": null, "HasNext": true, "NextOffset": 2 }

Rest Api

how to get party data using rest api??