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REST Endpoint to extract Panel Sources(Fields and DataTypes) not Panel Data

Hi ASI Folks, Are there any available endpoints to extract a list of all Panel Sources and the information about field types and data types and length? Addon: Is there a way to create/update Panel Source using REST, like adding a new field to a Panel Source?

iPart Template not working for me

Hello, I'd like to develop and debug complex iParts using Visual Studio. I'm following the guidelines from, but I'm stuck in the part after I create a new project from the Template I downloaded from When I try to compile the just created project, it fails with many erros like 'iPart4Common.cs(4,11,4,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Business' does not exist in the namespace 'Asi' (are you missing an assembly reference?)' I've checked and saw that the references are there. Can anyone help me get started with complex iParts ? Thank you

Accessing REST from simple .ascx control iPart

I may have asked this question before, if so I apologise. Client is 20.2 self hosted. I'm writing a fairly simple iPart (C# control, not JS, not compiled DLL) and I'd like to use REST to access data (and ultimately write it back). I can do this using both security models, but the "get a token" requires username and password, and the JavaScript one uses a variable that isn't on the page yet (and is a more client-side thing anyway). I'm not pumped about storing or using a username/password anyway, doesn't seem like it should be necessary. This isn't a "how to use REST" question, this is a "how do I access REST without using either of the 2 existing security options if I don't want to store a username/password" question. Thanks in advance.

How to list all registrations for a given event_id

The case is that I have 120,000 parties and I need to filter out only the parties for a given event using the API. I tried using `/api/EventRegistration` but it requires a `partyId` and an `eventId` which is not what I'm looking for because it would lead me to take a long period to fetch all the data that I need. Is there a way to list only the parties registered for a given event?

Multiple Angular Apps on same content page

Hi, We are developing in Angular 9/10 on iMIS Cloud instance 20.3. Is there a method of loading multiple independent angular apps on same content page by bootstrapping them? Each angular app will reference its own index.html. Any example would be most appreciated. Thank you and kind regards, Bilal

ComboOrder for Membership

What's the process for signing someone up to a membership via REST? Add the order, invoice, and payment all in one? Is there an example of that working somewhere? I just get 'An error occurred. Please contact the administrator' no matter what I try.

Upload Content to Rise

Is there a REST equivalent to this: We have a large amount of structured data we'd like to create Rise pages for though the REST API. Is that possible?

Newtonsoft Update

Has anyone successfully updated Newtonsoft to version 12? I can't seem to do so without currency errors.

HttpCompileException using GoCardless

I am trying to integrate iMIS and GoCardless API. I am able to make API calls from my code but whenever I try to include GoCardless in a .cs file on my site, I am getting a HttpCompileException. I have added the package reference to my aspx file but still no luck. Does anyone know if something else needs to be done to get it to compile on my website? Or does anyone else have experience integrating GoCardless? Thanks

Grabbing References to Contacts that HAVE Attended an Event

Good afternoon, I have been trying to follow this thread,, but would like some clarification on how this process works. What I need is a way to call the API to get a list of all the Contacts that Attended the event. Not necessarily people who registered, but people that were not absent in the Event. Whether I can get this data through an actual endpoint on the API, or if I develop my own IQA that I can then call from the API. What would be the best way to do this. Again, all I really need is a list Contact's (just their name and IDs) of people who attended the event. Side note, just so I can sure I am understanding these objects correctly, each Event can have many Function associated with it correct? So that would mean that Contacts can attend different functions of an Event. Therefore, a Contact can attend a function of an Event, but still not attend the overall Event? I just want to make sure I am interpreting this correctly. Thanks for any insight you are able to provide.