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"There is no service defined for UserSecurity"

Trying to use the ValidateUser API function and getting this error: 2020-07-10 09:36:44,503 [24] ERROR SQLTC1\TST01:iMIS_TEST [(null)] - Error occured at Uri: https://{{IMISURL}}/Asi.Scheduler_iMIS0/api/UserSecurity/_execute Asi.Soa.Core.Exceptions.ServiceNotFoundException: There is no service defined for UserSecurity at Asi.Scheduler.Controllers.CommonServiceController.GetServiceContextForEntity(String entityName) at Asi.Scheduler.Controllers.CommonServiceController.Execute(String entityName, ExecuteRequestBase request) { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericExecuteRequest, Asi.Contracts", "EntityTypeName": "UserSecurity", "OperationName": "ValidateUser", "Parameters": { "$type": "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.Object, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [ "[email protected]", "TESTPASSWORD" ] }, "UseJson": false, "ParameterTypeNames": { "$type": "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [ "System.String", "System.String" ] } }

How to access REST via a C# control, self-hosted

Consider this a question that I should probably know the answer to. Client is self-hosted on 20.2 SPV, won't be 20.3 or 2020 for a while. Building a simple page to update their personal profile (yes, would prefer to use a simple panel but you know clients) using a simple C# control. I know how to access REST from an Azure function, and how to access it via JavaScript, but I'm having a hard time accessing it using C# code-behind. I can't access the JavaScript __RequestVerificationToken value, and I really don't want to embed a full-user account (don't need to do anything but let someone update their own account). What's the trick? iMIS uses REST (right?) and there isn't an account embedded anywhere that's being used (that I know of). Any advice would be helpful, thanks.

Change Inventory Amounts through REST

Can the amount of inventory on hand for products be changes through the REST Api? I'm having trouble finding which module it would be under.

REST call to login a user

Is there an equivalent of this method "CContactUser.LoginByWebLogin" in the REST API? A way to log someone in without knowing their password.

Query IQA with REST api using a multi select parameter

Hello, We have an IQA that accepts a parameter that is multiselect. For instance a member may select multiple countries for this query. How are we able to query this IQA with multiple countries for a single parameter? with tried a variety of different characters to separate the values, include, comma, semi colon, pipe, etc. We also tried various url encoding on the values. /Asi.Scheduler_iMIS/api/IQA?QueryName=%24%2FTestMS&Parameter=CA%7CUSA&Limit=25 /Asi.Scheduler_iMIS/api/IQA?QueryName=%24%2FTestMS&Parameter=CA%2CUSA&Limit=25 /Asi.Scheduler_iMIS/api/IQA?QueryName=%24%2FTestMS&Parameter=CA,USA&Limit=25 /Asi.Scheduler_iMIS/api/IQA?QueryName=%24%2FTestMS&Parameter=CA;USA&Limit=25 /Asi.Scheduler_iMIS/api/IQA?QueryName=%24%2FTestMS&Parameter=CA|USA&Limit=25 With only country supplied a proper result is returned. Is this type of query supported by the REST api? Thanks, Des

How to get all the payment transactions of a member

I am not able to find any documentation regarding the member transaction? Is there any rest api for that? Thanks

How to validate User membership at login

I want to validate user if user has valid membership through rest service. I checked the reponse from below api https://xxx//api/partysummary/PartyId which has the "PartyStatusId" Is this the correct way to verify the membership?

Put Product Item removing special pricing when default price is set

There is only one parameter in JSON for the cost "TempDefaultPrice" when we update this special pricing for the product is removed.

Person/Party: Filter on Chapter

Hiya, /api/Party?Chapter=VIC Returns: "ArgumentFault: In the query, Chapter is not a known property name." This seems like a lie, as there's an AdditionalAttributes entry: { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "Chapter", "Value": "VIC" } How to API Filter on Chapter? Thanks.

Asi.soa Example

Hi, I am working with one of your client to implement integration into iMIS. I found that your developer documentation refers to an .NET SDK (asi.soa.*). However, I am unable to find this SDK available. My questions are: - Where could I download this SDK? - Does this SDK calls the restful service or the older web service? - Do you recommend using this SDK? Thanks Steven