These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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REST POST to multi-instance user defined tables always return a 0 for Ordinal

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Updating password via REST API?

I'm wondering how I would change a user's password via the REST API? Currently in the old SOA API I can make a web service call to MembershipWebServiceSoapClient.UpdatePassword2() which allows me to update a user's password. How would I do this in REST?

Setting/Displaying html editor field

We need an html editor field for staff input. I first created the field as part of a panel source but can't then edit it within Business Objects to set the field to html editor. I can use the panel as the source for a BO so I can set the field to html editor but how do I then create a page based on the BO so that staff can add records? I can't get the BO to show up as an available source at Panels and I'm not finding a content type to display a BO on a page. Help is appreciated!

Term Start and End Dates

Hi, We are working on updating Term Start and End Date on{ID} on version Both the dates won't update when we try to update with PUT request for the fist time. But they will when we try the second time. Is this on purpose? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Chinar

Referencing a custom field in a query

In 20.3, I've added a custom field in a query using an sql expression. Is there a way to now reference that field in the filter of the same query? Use case, we're needing to strip out non-numeric characters from phone numbers to compare to a phone number coming in as a parameter of a url. I can get the stripped down version of the phone number to display when running the query but the custom field is not then available in the filter drop down to use for the url param comparison. Another option is to add a custom property to a business object for the stripped down phone number but can't figure out a way to apply the formatting sql to the field using expression builder. Any help is appreciated.

Reading Group Member Status and Creating Group Type

Hi, Are there any REST api endpoints to do those calls? * Reading Group Member Status records * and Creating a new Group Type record Thank you, Molivouth.

Add/Update Subscription Records

Is it possible to add/update subscriptions through the REST API. Thanks! Madhuri

REST Endpoint to Validate and Remove a PanelSource

Is there any _validate endpoint for BOEntityDefinition(Panel Source) to validate the payload for BO? Also, is there any endoint to remove a Panel Source or BO? https://{{URL}}/api/BOEntityDefinition

Swagger Definitions Up To Date?

Are the swagger definitions up to date for iMIS Cloud? I'm finding quite a few places where I think they're different. Example: ``` "AddressLineDataCollection": { "description": "A collection of address lines.", "items": { "default": "", "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },``` But the actual json from the server looks like this: ```"AddressLines": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.AddressLineDataCollection, Asi.Contracts", "$values": [ "Address Info In Here" ] },``` The definition looks like I should expect an array of strings under AddressLines but it's actually under $values. Looks like maybe this is an old version before you added the $type and $values fields?

GET Request from GiftItem

Hi We are getting an empty JSON from in response to a GET request. This is on version We tried to add a new Gift Item from the UI, but we can't find it after adding it, and GET request also gives empty JSON. Rebuiding indexes also doesn't help. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks, Chinar