These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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Generic Execute Request at Invoice Failing

Good morning everyone, Over the past week, we have had repeated failure of a process that has been in place for more than a year. The failure occurs when invoking the ProcessOrderAdjustment operation on the Executes an Invoice operation endpoint (api/Invoice/\_execute). I asked the ASI helpdesk team to look into the error and this is what was sent in reply, UnknownEntityTypeFault: table: Orders Not defined. The tech support person that I was working with stated, "I have never really seen that error before however, there have been similar errors reported during duplicate merging, usually for different tables though." This operation is essential to our financial processes. Any assistance in better understanding the error and repairing the broken operation is very much appreciated. Thanks, Korey

Clone event API returns 501 in version

Anyone else get a "ServiceNotAvailable" when making a post call to https\://{{URL}}/api/Event/\_execute ? This seems to happen with every EMS I tried with the latest security hotfix. ```json POST body { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Events.DataContracts.EventCloneRequest, Asi.Contracts", "EntityTypeName": "Event", "OperationName": "CloneEvent", "EventId": "existing event code", "EventCode": "new event code" } ```

What fields are available when filtering on /Party?

I can filter /Party using a number of fields including CustomerTypeCode, but when I try MajorKey it fails. ``` Asi.Soa.Core.Exceptions.EntityServiceException`1[Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.Faults.ArgumentFault]: ArgumentFault: In the query, MajorKey is not a known property name. ``` /api/metadata/Party doesn't seem to expose a list of fields I can filter on, and both CustomerTypeCode and MajorKey are in the same AdditionalAttributes section. Is there a list somewhere of what I can filter on, or is there a different syntax/variable name I should be using for the Major Key field? Thanks.

Can we pass multiple parameters to the /Party endpoint?

I'm trying to make a call to the /Party endpoint filtering on UpdatedBy and CustomerTypeCode, works no problem: /api/Party?UpdatedOn=gt:2024-03-01&CustomerTypeCode=ne:NM I'm trying to filter it to return all except 3-4 member types in a single call. Is that possible? /api/Party?UpdatedOn=gt:2024-03-01&CustomerTypeCode=ne:NM,WEB Doesn't work. Thanks!

Does FindDetailQueryById work?

Trying documentid after documentid and it simply returns not found (not the endpoint, the result). I can use the find by path option but none of the find by id options seem to work.

UserSecurity REST API Endpoint Broken?

Using a SysAdmin account, I get 401 errors trying any of the GET endpoints against a iMIS EMS On-Premise version instance.

Paycentral - Post response code 461

We had a customer receive the following error when trying to purchase and I'm looking to find out what the response code means. For reference, we have an external cart and are using the new SDK. ![](

Request - /api/GroupMember - GroupClassId query param

Hi, It would be super useful and potentially less wasteful request/resource-wise on the instance if we could for example GET /api/GroupMember?PartyID=IMIS_ID&GroupClassId=CLASSID That way we don't need to iterate over every single groupmember instance to get the information we are interested in. For example: perhaps we just want to get groupmembers of Product Purchased Group types. We could do GroupClassId=E88E66B1-9516-47F9-88DC-E2EB8A3EF13E. Or event types: GroupClassId=EVENT. There seems to be a GroupClassId filter in the <> method. So I'm sure it should be easily possible. Thanks.

Onlie Store or Shop into Mobile Application Integration

We have eCommerce Store, <>. How can we implement this into our Mobile Application without Header and Footer, please advice.

how to get API for MCI/IMIS Inagration

MCI requirements to be filled by ACA / IMIS API Documentation and/or URL Production endpoint Staging/Testing endpoint Authentication method and calls to make with expected response