These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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Delete the weblogin/user of a contact via REST

Hi all, is there a way to delete a user via REST? A client of mine has the need to have the user being removed automatically which one would normally do via RiSE - Security. There is this but it does not work in 2017 nor in iMIS Cloud. I actually need it for 2017. Is there a safe way of removing a user or do we need to revert back to functions or some built in low level ASI functions? Thanks for your help! Best, Alex

Pulling list of available Business Objects in REST

Is there an easy way to get a list of Business Objects? The best solution I have now is https://{{URL}}/api/DocumentMain?DocumentTypeCode=BOD. It does pull in some duplicates but I think with an IQA I should be able to group them and have a nice list going, but I'm not sure if I am doing it the right way.

Deploying Client based iParts

Hi, I've been working on an iPart that produces a QR Code from a Members ID. This QR Code is used at Events to Register people on the day (they scan their QR Code and it registers them for the event). However, I'm having real difficulty deploying the iPart to a page. METHOD ONE - I have tried this guide: 1 - I created the folder named 'iPartSource' 2 - I uploaded my ZIP file into this folder. 3 - Then I went to Rise -> Maintenance -> Content Types 4 - I created our Custom Folder and only allowed 'Content-Type' items 5 - I created a Content-Type for the new iPart with a path of: ~/iPartSource/ I also tried ~/iPartSource/KSAMNEW/KSAMNEW/qrcode/index.html 6 - I added the new Content-Type to a page in Rise and Published. 7 - The Content-Type does not load and as far as I can tell the Content-Type isn't properly extracted by IMIS even though the documentation says "iMIS will extract your .zip files automatically if they are uploaded to the correct folder. Make sure your folder is named iPartSource. iMIS looks for spelling and case on the folder name." So, this method doesn't work at all for me and doesn't display anything on page. I have also checked the 'Areas' folder and the iPart isn't in the folder. METHOD TWO - I have also tried this guide:!deployingaclientbasedipartinimis.htm 1 - I upload my ZIP to 'Content Items' 2 - I go to Rise -> Maintenance -> Deploy Content Items 3 - I get a successsful deployment of the content item (I can see the folder in Areas) 4 - I add the Content-Item to a page 5 - I then have to go into Net -> Areas folder, find my iPart and edit index.html 6 - I have to add the ~/Areas/xxx/xxx/xxx paths to each of the JS / CSS references. 7 - The iPart successfully displays on screen. The issue I'm having is: METHOD ONE - Doesn't work at all no iPart is displayed, no Error message is displayed and within 'Rise' page builder I just see the path to the iPart, not the extracted code. METHOD TWO - Whilst I am able to successfully get the iPart to show once I've edited the index.html and added the file paths in this seems to be overwritten every so often and the paths are then removed. I added the paths in last night and this morning all the paths no longer have the ~/Areas/xxx/xxxx and so the iPart no longer displays. What is the correct way of doing this? What am I doing wrong? Thanks

Pulling list of Panel Sources

Is there a simple way to pull a list of sources (both single instance and multi-instance) other than looking for it in the ObjectMetaData and ObjectPropertyMetaData? These don't appear to be pulling the full list either. Edit: looking for a way to do it via REST API.

SiteMap -> URL Parameters? Current Logged in User ID

Hello, I have developed a Client Based iPart and have (finally) managed to get it to upload and deploy within our RiSE site. The last step I really need to do is 'configure' the URL parameter so that the Client Based iPart can use the ID. If I manually type the ID=SOMEIDHERE everything works fine. I've gone into sitemaps and tried to configure the URL Parameter (much like we do in IQA) and have set it to: ?ID="@LoggedInUser" have also tried ?ID=@LoggedInUser I'm aware the above may not be the actual ID (and could return their name or something), but I want to atleast get a parameter being passed to the URL before searching for the correct parameter to send. Does anyone know how to actually pass the current user ID so my iPart can grab it? Thanks!

How to cancel a registration?

Hiya, The documentation is pretty good at showing how to register someone: It's pretty straight forward. However the CancelEventRegistration function is pretty cryptic: What is a "OrderLineData" ? And does "eventRegistrationId Value" mean "EVENTCODE-iMISID" ?

iMIS REST API interfaces vs IQA?

The API is a bit confusing. It's not entirely clear when to use the generic REST API interfaces vs a custom IQA query? I am having a lot of trouble finding endpoints that equate to the following pieces of data? For the following data fields, which do I need? A user / member / person paid through date (client calls it - "Paid Thru")? A user / member / person iMIS number (client calls it - "iMIS Id")? Is it required to use an IQA query to fetch such a pieces of data? The closest thing I can find is in GroupMember->JoinDate.

API for File Management/RiSE File Upload

Hi, An API endpoint to manage RiSE content pages, specifically to upload files would be nice. Additionally an API endpoint to manipulate the "Manage Files" section of RiSE would also be good. Thanks.

PHP: iMISEntityService & iMISClasses

Are these libraries / classes available anywhere for download? I'm working on a WordPress iMIS Plugin and this would help expedite things a tremendous amount. Side note, can you use the REST API in conjunction with the SSO content item method once a refresh_token is received from the OAuth2 Server?

iMIS API - Add a Product to Cart

Is there an API call where we can add a product to a logged in user's cart by Product Code?