These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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iMIS API - Add a Product to Cart

Is there an API call where we can add a product to a logged in user's cart by Product Code?

E-check payments through

We are using iMIS and have the gateway integration currently. Is is possible to also take ACH (e-check) payments through this integration? Or do we need to use another gateway?

Communites Documents

Hello, Could someone please advise me as to where I can find 'Documents' that are uploaded into a specific 'Communities' folder. In the staff site, I can find these via: Document System -> CommunityManagement -> DefaultSystem -> Communities -> GUID -> ResourceLibrary However I'm struggling to find where these Documents are stored. I found the 'DocumentMain' folder, but this doesnt seem to contain the documents I'm actually looking for? Could someone please let me know where I can find them? Thanks, Alex.

Series Data Column does not set the Series Data column

When trying to create a Chart, a Line chart for example, I can only set items I have set as a subtotal as a series; this is expected. An unexpected behavior is that when I set "series data column" it sets the "label axis column" on the actual chart and that the "label axis column" control for creating sets the "series data column" on the actual chart. What I am saying is this: "series data column" should set the series of data that displays on the legend for a chart, and "label axis column" should set the labels on the "x-axis" of the chart. Example: I am trying to create a chart that shows the number of users in a particular role over time. I want to have a "data axis" of total, a "label axis" of month names, and a "series data column" of role. This issue with "series data column" prevents me from creating this chart. The only chart I can create is one where I make the month the series and the role the label axis, which results in having a separate instance of the Month Name for every single day in the month that has a data point. Not having this ability is preventing me from making this. Am I misunderstanding something?

GroupMember delete

Hello, We are writing an importer that targets the REST API. Our data makes heavy use of relationships, which is stored as a GroupMember internally. Is there a way to delete these via the REST API? It does not appear that the PUT operation obeys our expected idempotency requirements, so we have several duplicate relationships that we need to purge. Furthermore, as we adjust the data model, we might want to blow away and recreate the relationships. (When we try to make a DELETE request, we get this: ``` { "$type": "System.Web.Http.HttpError, System.Web.Http", "Message": "The requested resource does not support http method 'DELETE'." } ```

Cancelled Event Still Showing

We have created some events within iMIS and since then we have cancelled these events, however, they are still showing on our website. When we try to edit any of the data, such as "Show in search" and "Registration date" (as we think this may be why the events are still showing) we get the following error - Event Status X must be set with the Execute method not the Update method. Anyone know a solution to this issue?

Error trying to update panel source data

Trying to update a panel source using JavaScript on a RiSE page. Getting a 403 trying to update the data, with an error message of "Does not have required permission." Step 1: GET /api/paneldatasource/101 - returns a 404. My assumption is that the 404 is returned because there is no data for ID 101. If I create a panel and add it to a content record and update the data, a subsequent call returns a 200. Step 2: generate a JSON packet matching the data from an existing record (this packet works in a POST via Postman) Step 3: POST /api/paneldatasource/ - returns a 403 with an error of "Does not have required permission." This error doesn't occur when logged in as a full user, just a public user. My goal is to allow the user to update the data, but if I can't GET it, and I can't POST it, I have nothing to PUT - so I can't get to that step. Thanks

Get the Security role of a current user

How to get the security role of a current user?


We are trying to create a json web token in a custom C#/.NET iPart using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens but are getting a file not found error when attempting to load the page with the ipart. We have tried a couple different versions from 5.6 to 5.2.4 including 5.4 which seems to be the version iMIS has installed by default. Is there any known compatibility issues with this dll? Or has it been tested to work with iMIS?

Template endpoint

Does the template endpoint work? Is there a trick to it? I'm looking at, and while I can call the endpoint successfully and get a 200 OK response there's never any data. Just a Count/TotalCount of 0. Yes, there are templates in the folders. Thanks!