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REST API Person Update Birthdate

We are grabbing a person record and modifying two fields in additionattributes data then sending the information back in an update. When we send the exact same Birthdate we received from the Person GET call it saves it as one day prior to the value. For example we get 1989-07-04T00:00:00+00:00 and send back 1989-07-04T00:00:00+00:00 which then stores that date as 1989-07-03 as the birth date in the name table. Any ideas?

Throttle Limit on REST API calls

Hi, this is more a general question on keeping the iMIS REST API happy. Other APIs often have a throttle limit i.e. how many API calls one can make in a minute. It seems that the iMIS API does not have such a limit hence my question how many API calls one should make as a maximum in a minute so that iMIS still stays happy. Thanks a lot for your advise and guidance. Best, Alex

Set response header for iMIS?

Hi, I'd like to include some iMIS pages (e.g login page) in our wordpress front-facing website using iFrame. But looks like it is not allowed by default because iMIS pages have Content Security Policy set to frame-ancestors 'self', and X-Frame-Options: sameorigin. Is there any setting from iMIS that I can change those headers? Should I set it from IIS? Cheers,

Forget password email configuration

I want to change the forget password email subject line but I am not able to find it's setting in iMIS portal. Can anybody knows where to look for that settings.

Can you PUT/update a cart via JavaScript?

It's not in the documentation and I haven't been able to get it to work yet but it's worth an ask: is this possible? Can I retrieve, update and PUT back a cart object via JavaScript for a regular (non admin) user? Thanks.

Person API - Informal Name Blank after Update

After making an update call to the Person API endpoint, including FirstName, LastName, and MiddleName, the Informal Name field is being blanked out. We are not including the informal name in our update call as we do not want to change this. Is there a way to prevent it from being blanked out?


I'd like to make a comparison between how we use REST API and SOAP for iMIS integration. From what I see REST API is for accessing global resources like events. While SOAP is for user-specific resources/activities, such as updating password, updating profile, etc. If we use SSO to let users sign on our website, we can have their token for generic activities. Then if the user wants to update their profile, we need to ask them password again to be able to login SOAP?

SSO - refresh_token expiration

I'm implementing SSO for iMIS-Wordpress based on this tutorial What's mentioned in the tutorial is all great except the refresh_token lifetime. For my case, I set it to 45m but my refresh_tokens don't expire after 45m (now it's been 6h already). I also configured the iMIS content to be available only for authenticated user, which means user need to login on iMIS then they will be redirected to my website. How can I sync the state of being-logged-in for user on iMIS and on my website? I should set the life time for both to 45m? Thanks!

Issue with "invalid_grant" errors in iMIS

Client is experiencing a number of the red __There was a problem loading this area__ errors in RiSE, primarily on the checkout/cart pages (at least, that's when they complain the most). The only "fix" is to recycle the app pools and/or the server. It seems to happen at random days and times, and not related to busy traffic. The error from the event viewer is: ERROR Asi.Web.UI.UserControlBase [(null)] - FaultException1: SecurityFault: { "error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"The user name or password is incorrect."} Request URL: /Members/Store/StoreLayouts/Cart_Home.aspx ERROR Asi.Web.UI.UserControlBase [(null)] - FaultException1: SecurityFault: {; "error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"The user name or password is incorrect."} Request URL: /Members/Cart/Members/Store/StoreLayouts/Cart_Home.aspx There are no customizations on the cart page nor any preceding page in the process, while the option to pay dues and register is an option 99% of their transactions are events-only. Client is on version and is self-hosted, there are no other applications running on the server and it's not a busy site. Thanks much - anything would be helpful. (edit, I really am trying to use markdown to make this look better but after 5 edits I gave up)

Process Automation Actions Sequence

Hi ASI, I have a task which has to send a communication template and run three stored procedures , I am just curious what is the order of running of these actions? Are these executed from top to bottom or random order?