These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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CRUD on Business Objects with REST calls

Any documentation and example on how to? I can't figure out how this work: /api/CsGeneralLookupTables GET seems to work POST throws errors...

Using REST to manage Subscriptions

How do we query Subscriptions records in iMIS through the RESTful API? That is doing any CRUD operations. I can't figure out how to POST against: /api/CsSubscriptions And how about actual payments to be done against Subscriptions items?

New records don't populate the CommunicationPreferences

When I create a new record (REST) with just the basics (name, member type, etc.) the communication preferences aren't saved into the profile. I have to go to the staff site, to the preferences page and save the record to push them in. What's the trick to get them to populate in the initial POST? Thanks.

URL Encoding

I am making a get request to a multi instance panel with the following url:|2 But when I add the whole request to a content page the url is being encoded and the pipe turns into ascii %7C in the url and it returns a 404. Is there something I can do from the client side to fix this or is this an encoding problem on the server side?

Communication preferences and reasons

Looks like an API exists at with CommunicationPreferences = new CommunicationPreferenceDataCollection { new CommunicationPreferenceData { Reason = "mail" } What are the reasons and can we get additional endpoint documentation?

REST API not automatically submitting changes to changelog?

Hello, I am migrating our applications to use the IMIS REST API and it looks like updates to fields are not being automatically logged to the change log as the desktop application does. Am I doing something wrong on my end, or do I need to manually log each update to the change log with REST? Is there a way to enable this functionality automatically?

Update All User's Roles

How can I add role to all of the users using Rest API?

Is there a way to force cached keys to rebuild

I have noticed sometimes when you create promo code. It's not always immediately available for use. You can use the interface to rebuild the system cache and the promo code will start working. Is there a way to do this?

Posting to Activity

I'm trying to make posts to Activity with the following request: jQuery.ajax("", { type : "POST", data : { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericEntityData, Asi.Contracts", "Properties": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyDataCollection, Asi.Contracts", "$values": [ { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "ACTIVITY_TYPE", "Value": "MEETING" }, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "PartyId", "Value": "23226" } ] } }, contentType: "application/json", headers: {"RequestVerificationToken": document.getElementById("__RequestVerificationToken").value}, success: function(data){console.log(data);} }) I'm going off the information in this discussion board But I always receive a 500 error, has anything changed with posting to activity in 20.3?

Is there a way to send a password reset link to a user?

According to this post (, there used to be an endpoint MembershipWebService and operation RequestPasswordReset. It seems like it has been removed now ( Is there any other way of doing this?