These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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2fa with API credentialing

I know this is geared more for the new REST api, but I have a question that overlaps with the older IBO api as well. Our client is wanting to enable the 2FA to get to PCI compliance but noticed that this then breaks the api auth since it is now requiring the second step auth. This would be fine if we were using the API for a current user, but we are accessing the API in order to pull in data to a public facing form and need to get that access through a hard coded account. So one example that we would have would be if we wanted a custom donation form. We would want someone who is not a member to donate and we would need to push this data into the IMIS system via the api. So we would need to auth an account to push in the data. Just curious how to get around the 2FA.

There is no current cart

What are the possible causes of ```eventManager.OverrideFunctionPriceInCart()``` returning the message ```There is no current cart``` ? I am also seeing this message from time to time when calling the same method ``` No registration option selected for event XXX ``` I'm not unregistering any functions in the example above so am not sure why this is thrown. What do I need to look for?

Re-enable Business Objects

We had a page in desktop that was referencing business objects but that's not allowed after updating. We are moving it to the staff site but we are still getting errors on the Asi.Bae.Customer.User object. How do we re-enable the business object?

How to inspect Rest calls made by Rise to learn by example

It would be valuable for developers to be able to view the Rest calls that a Rise page makes to understand how ASI is using Rest on a page to view, save or update data. Then, rather than having to request on the forum each time for an example of how a given call should be made we could just inspect the page's behavior to learn more about the calls. This would allow developers to move forward more quickly to cloud friendly development without relying on ASI to publish examples of all the calls we need to make. To attempt this, I set up fiddler as a proxy server (hat tip to Jake) that inspects all traffic to the scheduler service and then forwards it on to the scheduler. After configuring fiddler and IIS I am able to see imis making some calls to the rest service. These calls are being made by the w3wp process (not the browser) so it looks like I am successfully intercepting calls made by the Rise server side code. I'm able to see lots of calls that we don't have samples for yet which is exactly what I was hoping for. The challenge is that there aren't enough calls being made to render all the data on the screen. For example, on page "CertificationManagement/CertificationProgram.aspx" there is data on the page retrieved server-side that would require a call to the CertificationProgram endpoint if the page was using Rest. But the only calls I'm seeing to rest are some calls to /token /authorizationprovider /vactivetranslationcultures. No calls are being captured to /CertificationProgram endpoint. That indicates to me that one of the following are true. 1. Not all data access calls are going through the scheduler endpoint. Some of the data access calls are still being filled other ways (SOA, SQL, ibo, etc...). This is contrary to my understanding that Rise was now using Rest almost exclusively for all calls. 2. Some of the calls are being routed to rest using some other route than what is configured in the "EntityManagerDefaultBaseUri" setting from the web.config and I'm not capturing them. 3. Maybe I am have managed to configure fiddler in a way that would capture some of the calls, but not all. Could ASI provide some clarity on whether all/most data access calls in Rise are now being filled by rest and could this method be a viable way to capture more examples of how to use Rest until ASI is able to publish more in the SDK?

Translation Module Intel

Anyone have any information on how the Translation Module works? Specifically, I'm trying to figure out what does the content scanning to import new phrases from IQAs, sitemap items, etc. into the phrases database. Anything anyone knows about how this black box operates would be really helpful in taming it. Thanks so much! ~Justin

Client based iParts (Angular 1.x)

Hi all, I´m developing an iPart using angularjs (v.1.6.9), it calls a REST API services which URL is harcoded and pointing to a development server. But when this iPart is hosted in customer site I´d like to give the chance to configures its own URL. I read all documentation related to how add a config.html file as a “URL to the html file that is used to configure content items of this type” but could not figure it out how to. I´ve downloaded this code and took a look at “/Examples/innov/angularDemo/” folder and could not understand the following: • how [x-contentKey] and [x-contentItemKey] will be render. (index.html)? • how ["app.core"] and [“app.core.Services.IPartSettingsService”] dependencies will be injected (index.js)? • where #JsonSettings field is. (config.js)? Any help will be appreciate. Thanks, Roberto

Rest support for CertificationProgramRegistration unable to even do a get on CertificationProgramRegistration. Was hoping to do Put's and Post's against it. 2018-12-17 16:20:42,930 [109] ERROR REDACTED [(null)] - Error occured at Uri: https://REDACTED/Asi.Scheduler_web/api/CertificationProgramRegistration System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Asi.Services.V10.ProcessManagement.Certification.CertificationProgramRegistrationBusinessAssembler.DomainEntityToDataContract(CertificationProgramRegistration domainEntity) at Asi.Services.V10.ProcessManagement.Certification.CertificationProgramRegistrationAssembler.DomainEntityToDataContract(CertificationProgramRegistration domainEntity) at Asi.Services.Core.DataContractAssembler`2.DomainEntitiesToDataContracts(IEnumerable`1 domainEntities) at Asi.Services.Core.CommonService`2.Find(IQuery`1 query) at Asi.Services.Core.CommonService`2.Find(IQuery query) at Castle.Proxies.Invocations.ICommonService_Find.InvokeMethodOnTarget() at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Asi.Shared.Aspects.CacheAspect.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) in C:\Builds\208\ScrumV3\sp137_Main10\Sources\MainFoundation\\Packages\Platform\Asi.Shared\Aspects\CacheAspect.cs:line 62 at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Asi.Services.Core.Interceptors.CommonSecurityAspect.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Asi.Shared.Aspects.PerformanceAspect.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) in C:\Builds\208\ScrumV3\sp137_Main10\Sources\MainFoundation\\Packages\Platform\Asi.Shared\Aspects\PerformanceAspect.cs:line 55 at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Castle.Proxies.ICommonServiceInfoProxy_9.Find(IQuery query) at Asi.Scheduler.Controllers.CommonServiceController.Get(String entityName)

REST API: Json example of ComboOrder to create an invoice.

Hi all, Has somebody a json example of how to post a combo order to create an invoice? I´ll appreciate. Thanks, Roberto.

Getting contacts (via /api/party) by member type?

So, I feel like this is a really simple question, and should be supported by the REST API, but I just can't seem to figure it out. I've tried the following endpoints: * /api/party?memberCode=X * /api/party?memberTypeCode=X * /api/party?memberType=X * /api/party?member=X * /api/party?customerCode=X * /api/party?customerTypeCode=X * /api/party?customerType=X * /api/party?custTypeCode=X * /api/party?customer=X * /api/party?memType=X * /api/party?member_type=X Notice how they get progressively more desperate? All of these return **400 Validation Error** with this message: "*In the query, customerTypeCode is not a known property name.*" What is the correct filter on the party endpoint for this? The additional values has a `CustomerTypeCode` property, as well as an `IsMember` property, but both of those are not filterable.

REST API: Is there an endpoint to pay an invoice?

Hi, I've could not find any endpoint in Commerce namespace to pay an invoice. Should I have to look in another namespace? Thanks, Roberto.