These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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Process Automation Logs

What's the difference between "Completed" and "Succeeded"?

Removal of meta tags

Is there an easy way to remove the following meta tags from all the pages: ``` <meta name="rating" content="General" /> <meta name="Author" content="Advanced Solutions International, Inc." /> ``` According to Google and all over the internet these meta tags are unnecessary. Also Advanced Solutions is not the Author of our content. ASI might have "built" the pages, but they aren't the authors.

Extending iMIS objects using user defined tables

We extended a lot of default iMIS objects to fit our needs. In a lot of cases we build custom stored procedures to populate these tables and work around iMIS iparts. Our stored procedures typically consist out of two inserts; 1 is the imis default table and 2 is our custom table. This design is dated and if we want to go to the cloud we have to change this approach. The Rest API should be the way to go but im wondering if its possible to do one rest call to populate a default imis table and our custom table or would this also mean two separate calls? It would be nice if we can wrap our custom object and the imis object into one object that handles identity inserts when doing POST/PUT/GET/DELETE. What would be the way to go?

Custom Table

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to do Custom Tables in iMIS. I see that I can create a table in the SQL, bring it in is a Business Object, IQA and all that good stuff, but is there a way to update those pages inside of iMIS? If not, is there any thought on putting this as a feature? Most other CMS's give you the option to write plugins (or as you call them iParts) which can write to a database and output in a way that we want them to be displayed. The way iMIS has news items and tagged lists are very archaic and when we want to add new features the ability is just not there.

Why is the SQL so complicated?

Is there anyway to make the SQL statements smarter? Or for once, just let the users put in custom SQL. ``` SELECT Count([vBoCsContactBasic].[ID]) AS [Sum_Total] FROM vBoCsContactBasic WHERE ([vBoCsContactBasic].[IsCompany] = 0 AND [vBoCsContactBasic].[IsMember] = 1 AND [vBoCsContactBasic].[PaidThrough] <= CAST(cast(convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 112) as datetime) as DateTime2) AND [vBoCsContactBasic].[Status] = 'A') ``` Why are you converting a DateTime to VarChar, Casting it to a DateTime Then Casting it to a DateTime2?

Does this feature simply not work properly? "@url:Fieldname"

I have a simple IQA that has a filter with one field "@url:MyKey" The MyKey has a value in the QueryString on the page where the IQA is located. No filtering occurs at all. This convention appears to not work at all. I have tried with the EventCode EventKey @url:EventKey... blah blah blah. It does not work either. Please help this is a critical feature. Jack Donahue

SSO implementation

Is the new version of SSO going to be implemented anytime soon or should we suggest changes to the current OAuth? I wanted to be able to use .NET Core for a new app we are writing as .NET is basically dead and .NET Core is on version 2, but I can't implement the OAuth standard that is in .NET Core as iMIS doesn't use the more secure state parameter.

Testing Process

I'm really curious as to what ASI's testing process is with iMIS. Each SP "fixes" things, but seems to break just as many important as it fixes. Examples: Service Pack L - broke Communication templates which is going to be fixed in M Service Pack J - broke Forgot Password email. And those are two I'm just seeing right now. There's been many others, and there's just random bugs. In my SSRS training class we were told the images had broken SSRS so we couldn't display the reports. We are getting ready to launch and I'm just wondering how much more of this we are going to have to deal with. I know it's part of software development, but it's also pretty bad the mistakes that are happening. I'm wondering if a few new releases need to just fix things and make them work better versus trying to add features. I want new features, but also need stability.

Workbook Converter

Has anyone seen the warning "Warning: For Source ID: 12041, could not create user account: ArgumentFault: ArgumentFault: Could not find contact with ID 527" We got that warning when trying to use the Workbook Converter and all the people were imported, but they were imported as Contacts and not Users. I need to make them Users and I was wondering if anyone knows of a good way to make all the contacts to users. We imported over 6600 people, so we are not going to go in 1 by 1 and make them all users in the staff site. Thanks, Jamie

Looking for documentation to process an event registration

Can't seem to find it on the dev/docs site. Can someone point me to where I need to be? Thanks.