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SOA question: How to pay for a Voluntary subscription only

I am trying to write SOA .NET code to make a payment against a single voluntary subscription with adjustable amount. All the examples I have found make a payment against an invoice OR add a single line item. [.NET example](https://developer.imis.com/docs/dues) [.NET example](http://help.imis.com/SOA/index.htm#!commerceorderandinvo.htm) Does anyone have an example of adding a VOL subscription item with payment amount to a ComboOrder and processing?

HTML Linking to element is broken

Greetings all, I've run across a rather strange problem that only seems to be occurring on one particular client's website. I created an anchor element and set the href attribute to point to "#top", then I set an h1 element further up the page with the id "top". Here's the basic structure: <h1 id="top">Top of the Page</h1> <div id="lipsum"> <p>Lorem ipsum...</p> <p>Curabitur pretium...</p> ... <a href="#top">Back to Top</a> </div> This should align the h1 element at the top of the window when the user clicks "Back to Top." I can confirm when I manually add #top at the end of the URL, the page aligns itself at the h1 element. However, when I click on "Back to Top," the site inserts a "/" between the "#" character and "top," which breaks the link. Trying to find a workaround, but in the meantime I'm wondering if anyone here has ever encountered a problem like this before. I'll update the topic if I'm able to find a solution.

"Refresh token lifetime" in the SSO doesn't seem to be honoured

I have an SSO application setup that works, but the "Refresh token lifetime" value doesn't seem to be honoured across the problem. I have the Refresh token lifetime (minutes) variable set to 1440 minutes, but the refresh value I get back following a call to /api/token is "expires_in":1199. It's always 1199 regardless of the value I set it to in the iMIS configuration. Do I need to keep resetting it? Thanks.

Extending AsiMembershipProvider

Hello, Are there any guides or instructions on extending AsiMembershipProvider. In Q4 2015 we just extended AsiMembershipProviderV10 ane override ValidateUser to allow members to login with their email address in addition to their username. In iMIS 2017 this is not working (ValidateUser never gets called - just GetUser). Any suggestions? Thanks, Igor

Google can't crawl the website

Greetings all, A little while ago, a client of ours asked us to perform a number of tasks recommended by Google for new sites, one of which was to create a robots.txt file. After creating it and preventing Googlebot from looking through certain documents folders, the client wrote back and showed us that Google could no longer crawl their home page. Ultimately the client decided they didn't really want the robots.txt file anyway, so I just deleted it. However, Google still isn't able to crawl the home page, and blames it on a robots.txt file. My first thought was to recreate a robots.txt file that expressly allowed Googlebot to crawl the entire website, but that hasn't fixed the issue either. I'm honestly baffled why this is happening. To be fair, I don't have any way of knowing that Google was able to crawl the home page before I created the robots.txt file, so I can't be entirely sure that it's related, but I've been operating under the assumption that it is. I saw someone with a Wordpress site have a similar issue, and he was able to solve it by finding an option in Wordpress that allowed/disallowed Google from crawling the site. I looked, but I haven't seen any such options in RiSE. Has anyone else experienced a problem like this?

Panels inheriting AtomPanelBase must have non-null Atom property - but it does!

I'm working with a C#-based, deploy-the-binary kind of iPart. I'm working in iMIS 2017 with Service Pack I, recently upgraded from 20.2.9. The iPart was deployed and working before the upgrade, and continued to work after the upgrade. Now we're trying to configure the iPart in content and getting this exception: Panels inheriting AtomPanelBase must have a non-null Atom Property. Panel: ASP.iparts_xxx_resetpassword_configedit_ascx Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: Asi.Web.UI.AtomPanelAtomNotDefinedException: Panels inheriting AtomPanelBase must have a non-null Atom Property. Panel: ASP.iparts_xxx_resetpassword_configedit_ascx Stack Trace: [AtomPanelAtomNotDefinedException: Panels inheriting AtomPanelBase must have a non-null Atom Property. Panel: ASP.iparts_mcle_resetpassword_configedit_ascx] Asi.Web.UI.AtomPanelPage.EnsureAtom(IAtomPanelBase atomPanelBase) +810 Asi.Web.UI.AtomPanelBase.EnsureAtom() +163 Asi.Web.UI.AtomPanelBase.OnInit(EventArgs e) +130 Asi.Web.UI.ContentItemEditBase.OnInit(EventArgs e) +46 System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) +166 The iPart *does* have this defined. From the ResetPassword.ConfigEdit.ascx.cs file: public override string AtomComponentName => "ResetPassword"; This compiles, so I know it's overriding a real property. I've confirmed that the property is present in the compiled DLL, so the compiler isn't optimizing it away. This displays when adding the iPart to a page, or trying to Configure the iPart where it already lives in content. The weird part is, the existing content still runs. Even cancelling the "Configure iPart" window allows the iPart to run normally. It looks like the Configure iPart window is trying to discover the Atom property in a different way, one that doesn't fall back to referencing AtomComponentName. I've read that the => syntax is shorthand for declaring a get-only property, and it compiles to exactly the same code. Did something change in the plumbing of IAtomPanelBase and IAtomPanelPage that could cause this weird behavior?

Can someone please comment on the examples on this site

I recently ran into an issue where my (very simple) REST code stopped working. I resorted to cutting and pasting from this site and it continued to fail with nothing but 401 errors. It wasn't until I realized there might be an error in the documentation that I got it working again. When calling the API via JavaScript, do you use the "scheduler" folder structure or the "site" folder structure? I ask because if you start at https://developer.imis.com/docs/querying-data-with-rest, the example given for "Get a list of party objects", shows as https://testapi.imis.com/sdkdemo/api/party. But if you click that link and scroll down to the documentation detail it shows as https://testapi.imis.com/Asi.Scheduler_SDKDemo/api/Party. I had switched to the scheduler URL somewhere along the line and that was the problem, once I switched back things were good. So which is it? Should both work? Thanks.

Looking for advice before deleting from CommunicationLog table

A client has thousands of messages in the CommunicationLog with values of 0 in the Sent, Delivered, and Not Delivered columns. They were added here over time from a runaway Process Automation task, which I need to investigate and modify to prevent it from writing these ghost records in the future. As for the historical records already written, I was thinking of writing a SQL query to delete them from the table. Before taking that step, I was hoping someone could provide some guidance. Will deleting from this table pose a problem? Two related tables give me pause for concern – CommunicationLogEvent and CommunicationLogRecipient. These two seem to be related to CommunicationLog through the CommunicationLogKey column. ASI tech support said this type of support goes beyond the scope of their responsibilities. I was also unable to find any documentation on this topic. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm posting cross-posting this question from the iMIS Gurus list at the request of Jake Bound. He said that Paul Bradshaw would be on the lookout for it.

IMIS REST API - Write to Non iMIS Table

Does anyone know if the iMIS REST API can be used to write data to a non IMIS table? We are currently reading data using REST API referencing an IQA. We now need to write to these tables (update and insert). Do we need to make these tables "IMIS" tables to do this? Thanks for your help