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These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.189.


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How to relate Party to User using REST?

There doesn't seem to be a good, natural way to get from a Party to a User. If I know the login (such as if they logged to my application/web service), I can retrieve /api/user?Username=Equal:{username} to discover their ID and then retrieve the Party. If it's for a single user, not a big deal. If I need something from Party in order to display information about a list of users, that looks like a lot of individual calls to /api/party/{id}. If I'm starting from a party (or a list of parties), I don't see a good way to discover which ones have a user, other than asking over and over again for users with the ID I'm interested in, and then recognizing the 404 as parties with no user. Again, lots of extra requests if I'm displaying a list. Heaven forbid I should be looking specifically for parties without a login. Would I be better off creating an IQA query and retrieving that? What about if the client app is logging into REST as the user? Is there a good way to retrieve the party object (or even the user object) for the logged in user?

SSO Procedure Questions

I've got the new SSO process working, in that I can pass someone to our iMIS site and get them back to the external site with valid tokens, but I have two questions about this process that I can't find information on or get working: 1. Is there a way to get the oauth2 "state" variable back from iMIS? I need this to verify that a request originated from the external site and to help track the login to send them back to original page they were trying to access. I am passing it to iMIS, but not getting it back. 2. Is there a way to log a user out of the iMIS site, or a URL I can redirect them to that will log them out? I can destroy the session on the external site which logs them out of the external site, but they could still be logged in to the iMIS site. This is an issue for us because several of our members use shared computers. We need to be able to log them out of everywhere we asked them to log in to in order to ensure the next user doesn't start a session with the previous user's information. Thanks!

Is there a way to "get at" the HTML in an HTML content iPart?

Is there a way to grab the HTML produced by the HTML Editor ipart on a content record/page?? Is there a way to grab the HTML produced by the HTML Editorin a Communication Template?? I assume it is stored in the BLOB ... or is it?

Writing your own Web API service in an iMIS project

Hello I would like to write my own Web API service and make it part of the iMIS web site project. I know that it is possible with generic Web Form projects: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-api/overview/getting-started-with-aspnet-web-api/using-web-api-with-aspnet-web-forms I know that this is also possible in other CMS system, such as Kentico: https://docs.kentico.com/k11/developing-websites/using-asp-net-web-api-with-kentico The logic with Kentico is simple: 1. Kentico offers a Web API REST service, just like iMIS does. 2. It means that Kentico comes with Web API preinstalled in the .NET web-forms project 3. Which means that it's easy to create your own Web API service in Kentico, you just need to configure the routing. I expect iMIS to be the same: it also offers a WebAPI REST service, which means that it probably has Web API built into the .NET web-forms project, which means it should be easy to write my own Web API service. However I did not find documentation about it. I don't really want to write the service as a separate IIS project. Is there a way to wire up Web API into a iMIS web-form project without creating a separate web project? Thank you!

Deploy Content Items

Using 2017 releases under RiSE > Maintenance > Deploy Content Items I don't see click Deploy Content Items as documented https://developer.imis.com/docs/developing-a-client-based-ipart Is deploy supported for the 2017 release?

Innovations was 10 weeks ago (documentation related) ...

... And yet this site hasn't been touched (from what I can see, happy to be proven wrong). Other than a few questions asked and answered, this "developers resource" has nothing on it. None of the REST API documentation links work, they all post back to the exact same LookHere'sAToken!! page, and other than the original 2-3 Hello World examples there's nothing on here. To quote a child of the 80's, Where's the Beef? I'm not sure what I'm expecting, but I expected more than this. Perhaps I'm different than most, but I honestly don't need the entire story line to get reading the first chapter. I could have died happy after the first Star Wars movie, if you know what I mean. What's the deal here? Are we going to get a huge dump of functional documentation when 20.3.whatever is released? What are the 2 new big partners using for their product integration? This page? I highly doubt it. Yes, you can reach me offline. Yes, I expected more than since Innovations. Thanks. Jake ([email protected] or @k2andyou if anyone twitters: don't worry I know no one does)