JUMP TOGeneraliMIS REST APIiMIS SDKAuthenticationBearer tokenRequest new tokenpostCartShopping cartFind all cartsgetFind a single cartgetDelete existing cartdeleteCommerceItem, Dues, Financial, InvoicesComboOrderCreates a ComboOrderpostFinancialEntityReturns a list of FinancialEntitygetCreates a FinancialEntitypostRemoves a FinancialEntity by iddeleteReturns a FinancialEntity by idgetUpdates a FinancialEntity by idputFinancialEntitySummaryReturns a list of FinancialEntitySummarygetRemoves a FinancialEntitySummary by iddeleteReturns a FinancialEntitySummary by idgetInvoiceReturns a list of InvoicegetReturns an Invoice by idgetInvoiceSummaryReturns a list of InvoiceSummarygetReturns an InvoiceSummary by idgetItemReturns a list of ItemgetCreates an ItempostReturns an Item by idgetItemSummaryReturns a list of ItemSummarygetReturns an ItemSummary by idgetPartyItemPriceReturns a list of PartyItemPricegetReturns a PartyItemPrice by idgetPromotionReturns a list of PromotiongetCreates a PromotionpostRemoves a Promotion by iddeleteReturns a Promotion by idgetUpdates a Promotion by idputCommunicationsAppeals, Campaigns, SolicitationsAppealSummaryReturns a list of AppealSummarygetCreates an AppealSummarypostReturns an AppealSummary by idgetCampaignSummaryReturns a list of CampaignSummarygetCreates a CampaignSummarypostRemoves a CampaignSummary by iddeleteReturns a CampaignSummary by idgetCommunicationReturns a CommunicationgetCreates a CommunicationpostRemoves a Communication by iddeleteReturns a Communication by idgetUpdates a Communication by idputFormDefinitionReturns a list of FormDefinitiongetCreates a FormDefinitionpostRemoves a FormDefinition by iddeleteReturns a FormDefinition by idgetMessageCreates a MessagepostSolicitationSummaryReturns a list of SolicitationSummarygetCreates a SolicitationSummarypostReturns a SolicitationSummary by idgetSourceCodeSummaryReturns a list of SourceCodeSummarygetCreates a SourceCodeSummarypostReturns a SourceCodeSummary by idgetCoreBatches, TagsImportBatchReturns a list of ImportBatchgetCreates an ImportBatchpostRemoves an ImportBatch by iddeleteReturns an ImportBatch by idgetUpdates an ImportBatch by idputImportBatchSummaryReturns a list of ImportBatchSummarygetRemoves an ImportBatchSummary by iddeleteTagReturns a list of TaggetReturns a Tag by idgetIQAIntelligent Query ArchitectQuery resultsgetQuery by keygetEventsEvent, Function, RegistrationsEventReturns a list of EventgetCreates an EventpostRemoves an Event by iddeleteReturns an Event by idgetEventRegistrationReturns an EventRegistrationgetReturns an EventRegistration by idgetUpdates an EventRegistration by idputEventRegistrationSummaryReturns an EventRegistrationSummarygetReturns an EventRegistrationSummary by idgetEventSummaryReturns a list of EventSummarygetRemoves an EventSummary by iddeleteReturns an EventSummary by idgetPartyEventAvailabilityReturns a list of PartyEventAvailabilitygetReturns a PartyEventAvailability by idgetFundraisingDonations, Tributes, PaymentsDonationCommitmentReturns a list of DonationCommitmentgetReturns a DonationCommitment by idgetUpdates a DonationCommitment by idputExpectedPaymentReturns a list of ExpectedPaymentgetReturns an ExpectedPayment by idgetUpdates an ExpectedPayment by idputExpectedPaymentSetReturns a list of ExpectedPaymentSetgetCreates an ExpectedPaymentSetpostRemoves an ExpectedPaymentSet by iddeleteReturns an ExpectedPaymentSet by idgetUpdates an ExpectedPaymentSet by idputMembershipParty, Person, Organization, ComboParty, and GroupsGroupReturns a list of GroupgetCreates a GrouppostReturns a Group by idgetGroupMemberReturns a list of GroupMembergetCreates a GroupMemberpostReturns a GroupMember by idgetUpdates a GroupMember by idputGroupMemberSummaryReturns a list of GroupMemberSummarygetReturns a GroupMemberSummary by idgetGroupSummaryReturns a list of GroupSummarygetReturns a GroupSummary by idgetPartyReturns a list of PartygetCreates a PartypostRemoves a Party by iddeleteReturns a Party by idgetUpdates a Party by idputPartyImageReturns a list of PartyImagegetCreates a PartyImagepostRemoves a PartyImage by iddeleteReturns a PartyImage by idgetUpdates a PartyImage by idputPartyNoteReturns a list of PartyNotegetCreates a PartyNotepostRemoves a PartyNote by iddeleteReturns a PartyNote by idgetUpdates a PartyNote by idputPartySummaryReturns a list of PartySummarygetReturns a PartySummary by idgetSocialNetworkReturns a list of SocialNetworkgetReturns a SocialNetwork by idgetUserReturns a list of UsergetReturns a User by idgetOtherFind party using filtergetDataContract singlegetDataContract multiplegetDataContract delete recorddeleteReturns an ImportBatch by idget https://testapi.imis.com/Asi.Scheduler_SDKDemo/api/ImportBatch/{ImportBatchId}Returns an instance of ImportBatch by id