Static access deployment client side dynamic content items /iparts
Shouldn't this page document static access deployment and maybe even building a deployment package using https://webpack.js.org/?
Duplicate contact merge
Does a REST API exist for identifying and merging duplicate contacts outside of party?
Duplicate contact merge
Does a REST API exist for identifying and merging duplicate contacts outside of party?
Does EventFunction and EventResource REST endpoints work for POST in 20.2/2017 with latest Service Pack?
Does EventFunction and EventResource REST endpoints work for POST in 20.2/2017 with latest Service Pack?
Where did /api/QueryDefinition go?
In iMIS 2017, I can call /api/QueryDefinition/7feb7da5-3eac-4f11-abb2-291c14cf5aca
and get the definition of that query (so that I know what parameters to pass when I call it).
After Gift Added to cart Invoice is missing CartId remains the same
We add an invoice to the cart and push the member to a gift (standard) ipart with the "Add to cart" button. When the gift is added, the Invoice is removed from the cart, but the CartId is the same (we can see this in postman). No errors are presented.
ArgumentFault error when trying to add new comboparty
I am writing an iPart that accepts individual and company information from a visitor and uses that to create a new comboparty. As a start, I have copied the code line for line from the documentation page at https://developer.imis.com/docs/organization. I have modified it slightly to place text that would have been written to the console to display in a label. I have also modified the customertypecode to match the type we want to create.
SSO client application does not require user to log in.
I have an SSO client application configured in RISE and it is working successfully, retrieving correctly a refresh-token for the user that was previously logged in iMIS cloud.
However, after the user is logged out, I make a call again to SSO client application in order to get the iMIS login page.
Is there a way to change a username (via API) without automatically sending the user an email?
Hello, the MembershipWebService has a ChangeUsername function (with parameters for the old username and new username), and this works fine. However, it automatically sends an email to the user notifying them of the update, and including their new automatically-generated password in PLAINTEXT. (This is for
SourceCodes: Add/Create with REST
Is there a REST endpoint that allows creation of SourceCodes, or automatic upload of a sourceCode file