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Documentation about Invoice Type

Hello, In this article: [Adding, modifying and paying for a subscription]( It is mentioned to find InvoiceSummary record using the filter: InvoiceType=SubscriptionFees It appears there are more than one possible value for InvoiceType? * SubscriptionFees * MembershipRenewal * MembershipJoin * MembershipAdjustment * PastDueMembershipRenewal Where could we learn more about those?

Validate active membership status for email address

I'll have an email address from which I believe I can look up the party using an email address as per E.g. /api/party?email=eq:[email protected] I've looked at and but I'm unclear on what I need to actually determine if the party's membership status is active. Is the best method to take the returned _Party_ object, and check if the property _PartyData.Status.ActiveStatus_ enum equals `"Active"`? Thanks for your help!

What is /api/GenTable/GenTableId - "GenTableId"

I would have thought it would be the "tablename", however that doesn't appear to be the case. So what is this "GenTableId" URL param of the "/api/GenTable/GenTableId" endpoint? When you GET /api/GenTable/ to get a list, none of the results contain anything that looks like an Id. So I'm not sure how you're supposed to use this endpoint with the other operations like PUT. Thank you

Look up purchase for specific party?

I'm new to iMIS and have been reading to find out how to look up a purchase for a specific party. I'll have an email address from which I believe I can look up the party using an email address as per E.g. api/party?email=eq:[email protected] Then once I have the party ID I want to see if that party made a specific purchase. I expect I'd be using the api/Invoice endpoint as per but I don't see how I can filter by the party I'd previously looked up. I only want invoices from a single party.


I'm completely unfamiliar with iMIS and have been reading over the documentation and other questions here. To get an understanding on the REST API, I'd like to make some calls via Postman. From the discussion at it seems like the following HTTP request would get a new token from the test API: -------- POST /Asi.Scheduler_SDKDemo/Token HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 54 username=demouser&password=demo123&grant_type=password -------- However, this returns a 500 Internal Server Error with the message "Server Error in '/' Application." Note that I am a third party working with an iMIS customer to pull data from iMIS, so I have no credentials at this point.

Forms authentication cookies

I have successfully set up SSO between a .NET site and a RiSE iMIS site, using Forms Authentication cookies. ie. Using different subdomains of the same parent domain and ensuring both sites have the same machine key. (website) (imis) The iMIS Membership service method LoginUserAndProvideCookies() is called to get the cookies and these are set for * This all works fine. The user is logged into iMIS by setting those cookies. However, if the user clicks the Sign out link in the iMIS portal, they aren't signed out of iMIS. From my testing I can see an iMIS logout will delete the "Login" cookie, but won't delete the * "Login" cookie. Any ideas what could be causing this?

/api/Item - Financial Entity always shows blank for Dues products

Hello, We have multiple financial entities. Some Commerce and some Dues products have different entities. However the Entity reported in the /api/Item/<item id> endpoint always returns blank for Dues products. The UI shows the correct entity in Membership -> Billing Products -> <Dues Product> -> Accounting - Financial entity Is this a bug? Or am I supposed to use another endpoint to get the actual financial entity of a membership product? Example output of Commerce Item: ``` "ItemFinancialInformation": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.ItemFinancialInformationData, Asi.Contracts", "FinancialEntity": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.FinancialEntityData, Asi.Contracts", "EntityCode": "AAUS" }, ``` Example output of Dues Item: ``` "ItemFinancialInformation": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.ItemFinancialInformationData, Asi.Contracts", "FinancialEntity": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.FinancialEntityData, Asi.Contracts" }, ``` Thanks.

Changes impacting upload member photo

Uploading a member photo recently become unavailable on our site. investigations uncovered the following: On page clicking the edit profile button adds a faded backdrop '<div class="modal-backdrop fade in"></div>' and makes visible the modal (pop out window) id ctl01_TemplateBody_WebPartManager1_gwpciProfileimage_ciProfileimage_contactPicture_profilePictureEditModal by changing the style="display: none;" to style="display: block;" and adding the css class 'in' which triggers the css { opacity: 1; } in the imis css file at When the bootstrap css styling script '' we are using to style the app is active for the site the faded backdrop '<div class="modal-backdrop fade in"></div>' is generated and the 'in' class added but our css overrides the code in 10-UltraWaveResponsive.css The problem seems to arise because the core iMis solution does not appear to have used a naming convention different from Bootstrap. It would be helpful to know what has changed in the last release that caused this issue, and how we can ensure we don't have further issues like this.

EventFunctionData - "show the function on the web"

Is there a way to update the "show the function on the web" flag through REST for an Event function? The JSON response returned by GET https://{{URL}}/api/Event/:EventId is exactly the same regardless of whether I check or clear that attribute in iMIS for an Event Function. Should I be setting a property in EventFunctionData.AdditionalAttributes and if so what attribute do I need to set? Thanks Stu

Notes on membership dues payment

Hello, Following this article: [REST API: How to pay for membership dues]( We have a couple of questions: * Is it possible to have "notes" associated with the payment? If so, where do we set those? * After setting this "RemittanceData.Note" field, where does this go? How can we see the value entered there? * Are there any other ways to pay for membership dues? . Thank you for any insights. Cordially, Molivouth.