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401 Unauthorized

We're Logged in as manager and getting a 401 Unauthorized when trying to publishing to a custom business object. I've followed all the steps here: but still no luck. Can anyone tell me if I'm missing something?

Applying a MailGroup / MailCode via REST?

Hi, I've been trying to figure out how to add a MailGroup/MailCode to an address via REST but no where in the documentation can I find how to apply this? There is mention of the MailGroup here: Which suggests to me this should be being applied to the Address based on the country code? However when a 'Party' is created via REST the MailGroup does not appear to be being added? When I do GET requests to Party again there is no mention of MailGroup / MailCode? Can someone please suggest where I should be looking to apply a MailGroup / Mail Code to a Party Address? Thanks

Stand alone panels and API Access for anonymous users

Hi, Stand alone panels are pretty neat, but locking them down to staff only users seems a real shame and extremely limited in use. It would be a useful place to store form data/behind the scenes data, and other data from client-side JS. Am I able to change this somewhere?

Remove hkeys from URLs

Is there anyway to remove the hkeys from the RiSE website URLs? See example below: Presidents-Award.aspx?hkey=d5e1fb8b-2caf-4ed7-95dd-73d76a924a07 One of our new cloud clients is not happy to see these and they are surprised to see them as clean URLs are essential for good SEO. Is there any way to turn these off or remove them? Thanks for your help

REST API Permissions Documentation

Is there any documentation on the permissions applied on the REST API endpoints? Specifically, we've identified a scenario where a user who has authenticated with a refresh_token is able to edit any other record's data via PUT/POST on the Party endpoint, but they don't seem to be able to make GET requests to the User endpoint for any record by their own, or one they could normally access via On Behalf Of. If we could get some clarification on when a given user's iMIS permissions are applied to their behaviors on the REST API side, that would be very useful. Thanks!

REST API - Get DocumentID of currently loaded page

We would like to get the document ID of the currently loaded page, so we can get some data from User Defined fields on that page via REST API. At the top of the page we see these variables ( in the source of the page) var gDocumentTitle = document.title; var gPostBackFormObject = null; var gWindowOnLoad = new Array(); var gPostBackFormProcessSubmit = true; var gWebRoot = ''; var gWebSiteRoot = ''; var gPageTheme = 'TEST-iMIS-Theme'; var gAdminWebRoot = gWebRoot + '/Admin'; var gWebsiteKey = '803e1889-2fe4-4d99-80da-511f9b1b1f69'; var gHKey = '2341cd77-d7a9-43e1-ae1f-ca7b5ec0dec7'; var gIsPostBack = false; var gDefaultConfirmMessage = 'Continue without saving changes?'; var gIsEasyEditEnabled = false; var gMasterPage = '/templates/masterpages/wst-sac-imis.master'; var gCurrentCultureCode = ''; can the gWebsiteKey or the gHKey allow us to get the DocumentID for that page, for example if we do a REST call passing one of these GUIDs Is there another way to get the DocumentID of the currently loaded page Thanks for your help James

iMIS Cloud - Set default language

For Cloud hosted clients, is there a way to set a default language for a site so the language drop down starts in the language and not English. We have a client with a separate French site who would like to have the site load with the French translation already activated for that site, without the need to select "French" on the Language drop down. Thanks for your help James

Type Error

Hi, I am building a webform based ipart. However, I keep running into the below error when adding the ipart to a content page. No error or warning message is displaying on the content type setup. I have been sure to follow what is documented here, and also I've added the class libraries to the bin folders in the iMIS and ASI.Scheduler folders. Can you please assist? "Please enter a path to a valid user control (.ascx file). Error Details: Could not load type '' from assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. Source: mscorlib Stack: at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean reflectionOnly, StackCrawlMarkHandle stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName, ObjectHandleOnStack type) at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean reflectionOnly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName) at System.Type.GetType(String typeName, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetType(String typeName, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) at Asi.Web.UI.WebControls.AsiWebPartZone.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)" Kind regards, Julie

Donations via SOAP API

Hello, I'm using [this code]( to implement a service to record donations. Is there any way to pass the campaign and appeal codes to be recorded with the transaction?

Going On Belhalf of using REST Api

Hi, Is there a way to go On Behalf Of a member using the iMIS RESP API? Use Case: On the staff site, the staff('SysAdmin') will lookup for a member and upon selecting a member, they would like to automatically go On behalf of a member without having to do that manually in iMIS. The goal is for the staff to make purchases and pay on behalf of a member. Thanks is advance!