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Could someone describe the steps for creating and Event with Functions using REST?

Could someone describe the steps for creating and Event with Functions using REST? Thanks... Jack Donahue

PLEASE! What is the secret to creating an Event with Functions in iMIS REST???

Does anyone know how to create an Event with Functions in REST? I'm using C# but I would use a hammer and nails if it worked. PLEASE URGENT Jack Donahue

Managing Membership Over REST API

Hi there, I'm setting up an internet/external facing REST API and I'm able to successfully pull a lot of the data using the EntityManager pointing to the Scheduler endpoint. I am, however, having issues with ASP.NET Membership related commands, i.e. setting up user credentials for a person, resetting/changing password, etc. These are crucial for the self-service user management piece that our website will have. I'd like to note here that we aren't using RiSE. Are you aware of any ways that I can handle these commands? Is there any REST/SOA endpoints that I can use to achieve this? I would prefer HTTP where possible, but other options are open if they exist. I've aware of the /api/User endpoint, but I don't see a way where I can *set* a password. The way our data is set up means that opening up the Scheduler to the internet won't work for us, and will likely expose data that we don't want exposed. Cheers, Jordan.

Get Group Members via Rest API

Looking to simply get members and their contact info that are enrolled in aspecific group utilizing the REST API. My assumption was to get the Group and its GroupID and then use another endpoint to get the list of associated members but I can't figure out the relationship between group and members. Looking for guidance on the steps I would need to get the members of a specific group and their contact info. Thanks, Sean

Uploading of files

Is there anyone here using the cloud based (client side iParts) to upload files? If so, how? Are you using a 3rd party server to store the files? It seems like that's the only way, but I wanted to see if there was some undocumented trick that either the ASI devs know/use or anyone else has figured out.

Does the API require additional access?

Connecting with OAuth

I am trying to connect to iMIS using OAuth and I am unsure what to parse as client ID and also which other fields i need to parse. I am also not sure which URL to send the request to as I get a 500 error when using postman with the example ( Please can you post an exact example of a request?

How to access the REST API

I have followed the following instructions as stated on the documentation website: Log in to iMIS. Retrieve the verification token from the page. The token is stored in a hidden field with the element ID RequestVerificationToken. Compose an HTTP Web Request. Add the token to your request header as RequestVerificationToken. Complete the request. I just get a 401 error. Please can you tell me the actual steps for accessing the API. I have noticed when i refresh the Imis page then the RequestVerificationToken changes every time anyway. I have no idea how this should work. I am using Postman to make the request to https://{{site_url}}/api/Party with a header of RequestVerificationToken: {token_copied_from_hidden_field}

Redirect .com URL to .org using IIS

A client has .com and .org domains, e.g., and As you can see, these two are identical except for the TLD. All traffic from the .com URL is to be redirected to the .org address. I have watched several YouTube videos on setting up URL Rewrite rules as well as configuring an HTTP Redirect. So far, I have been unsuccessful in pulling this off. All of the videos relate to Windows Server 2012. This client is running Windows Server 2016, so maybe that is my problem. Can anyone share some step-by-step guidelines on meeting this requirement? David

Looking for information on Rate Limits for REST API

I'm in the process of building out a .net library to use for REST API access. It's written to be asynchronous and I'm anticipating some high use scenarios for it in the future. I have already built some throttling into it to make sure that it isn't asynchronously overwhelming the the service, but I'm just guessing at the throttling rates. I'm wondering if ASI could share any recommendations about Rate limits against the API so I can make sure my library will stay within those limits. Thanks!