These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.

Advanced query operations

The REST web API supports a number of advanced querying commands:

  • Between, between
  • Contains, contains
  • EndsWith, endsWith
  • Equal, eq,==
  • GreaterThan, gt,>
  • GreaterThanOrEqual, ge,>=
  • In, in
  • IsEmpty, isEmpty,empty
  • IsFalse, isFalse,false
  • IsTrue, isTrue,true
  • LessThan, lt,<
  • LessThanOrEqual, le,<=
  • NotContain, notContain,!contain
  • NotEmpty, notEmpty,!empty
  • NotEqual, ne,!=
  • StartsWith, startsWith