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Accessing IQA data

You can access business objects and IQA data through the REST API. You will need to use the IQA data contract with the query name based on the IQA path in iMIS.

GET https://testapi.imis.com/sdkdemo/api/iqa?QueryName=IQAPath

Accessing the All query

You can use a URL call to access the All Contacts query:

GET https://testapi.imis.com/sdkdemo/api/iqa?QueryName=$/Common/Queries/Search/Contact/All

Paging and best practices

When using the REST API, it’s best to limit the result set that you get back from the API. By default, the result set is set to 100 results per page. This default allows you to easily page through a large result set.

Consider the following best practices for paging results:

  • Be specific to limit record sets. For example, if you want to query a large list of parties, you should use the party summary list to get a smaller payload. All major data contracts have a summary data contract, so you should query on the Party Summary data contract.
  • Include ID where possible. For example, if you query on the Party Summary data contract, you can use the party ID to narrow the result set.
  • Use the offset property to state the position of the elements to retrieve.


(Party Records truncated for brevity)
                "Offset": 0,
                "Limit": 100,
                "Count": 100,
                "SyncRoot": {
                                "$type": "System.Object, mscorlib"
                "IsSynchronized": false,
                "TotalCount": 5306,
                "NextPageLink": null,
                "HasNext": true,
                "NextOffset": 100

In this example, the first 100 elements would be returned (unless otherwise stated) and the metadata HasNext property would be set to true. The NextOffset value state which offset would retrieve the next set of elements. The next call for paging would be:

(Party Records truncated for brevity)
"Offset": 100,    
                "Limit": 100,
                "Count": 100,
                "SyncRoot": {
                                "$type": "System.Object, mscorlib"
                "IsSynchronized": false,
                "TotalCount": 5306,
                "NextPageLink": null,
                "HasNext": true,
                "NextOffset": 200

If you query on the Party Summary data contract, you can use the party ID to narrow the result set.

Simple REST examples

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