Commerce primary entities
- Cart – A universal order. It contains the major components Order, Payments, Invoices to be paid, and a property for the ComboOrder.
- ComboOrder – Properties of a ComboOrder, including the Order, Invoices, and Payments.
- Order – Detailed properties of a sales order. The enumeration of OrderData provides a list of possible order states.
- ItemSummary – A subset of properties for an item. An item is used mainly for the purposes of ordering and pricing, and represents a product or service.
- Item – An extension of ItemSummary, which provides additional properties for an item. An item is used mainly for the purposes of ordering and pricing, and represents a product or service.
- ItemClassSummary – Properties of an item class. An item class describes the default financial and processing attributes of an item.
- ItemClass – An extension of ItemClassSummary which provides additional properties for the item class, such as financial information.
- CommerceSettings – Properties for commerce settings, including Price Sheet information.
- DeliveryMethod – Properties of a delivery method.
- DeliveryMethodSet – Properties for a set of delivery methods.
- FinancialEntitySummary – Properties of a financial entity.
- GLAccount – Properties of a general ledger account.
- InvoiceSummary – A subset of properties for an invoice. The enumeration of InvoiceSummary provides a list of possible invoice types.
- Invoice – An extension of InvoiceSummary which provides additional properties for an invoice, such as the invoice lines.
- PartyCommercePreferences – Party-specific commerce preferences.
- UserCommercePreferences – User-specific commerce preferences.
- PartyItemPrice – Properties describing the pricing information for a specified Item within the context of a specific Party. Each party might receive different pricing for the same item based on various pricing rules; party item price always returns the correct pricing for the given party.
- PriceSheetSummary – Properties of a price sheet, which specifies a pricing set to be used.
- PaymentMethod – Properties of a payment method. This is derived from cash accounts.
- PaymentMethodSet – Properties of a set of payment methods.
- PaymentTermsSummary – Properties of payment terms generally related to InvoiceData.
- TaxAuthoritySummary – Properties of a tax authority.
- TaxCategorySummary – Properties of a tax category.
- TaxScheduleSummary – Properties of a tax schedule.
- UomGroup – Properties of a unit of measure group.
Updated about 7 years ago