These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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SSRS Reports with PA Tasks can Only Pass partyID Parameter?

Hi, I have a use case where I need to send the SSRS Report with 2 Parameters on a scheduled basis with Process Automation Tasks. From my understanding, I can only pass partyID in the SSRS. Is there any way I can pass more than one parameter like EventCode or Trans Number to the RDL file which is being sent as an attachment or control it with some sort of IQA?

queryservice Endpoint on iMIS version

Hello, We are working on our move to the iMIS cloud and have been successful at using a number of the endpoints in the v20.3.44 REST API Documentation even though we are on iMIS version However, as we begin to rebuild our integrations to be cloud-friendly, we noticed this article,, stating that the IQA endpoint will be deprecated and that the queryservice endpoint should be used instead. Rather than building our integrations using the IQA endpoint which we will need to recreate when we get to the cloud, we hoped to go ahead an build using the queryservice endpoint; however, when we attempt to access the queryservice endpoint, we get "501Service not implemented." Therefore, we are in a position where we cannot build properly for the cloud because the service is not implemented but will not be ready to move to the cloud until all of our current integrations are rebuilt for the cloud. Any advice? Thanks, Korey

POST issue on User Defined Table

Good afternoon, We are having some issues with a user defined table. We are able to GET data from the API for this table through something like Postman, but we are not able to POST data to that table anymore through a JS script (we are able to before) Could this be something that no longer works due to some sort of upgrade? Thanks!

SSO - Issue with refresh_token for unauthorized users.

Hi team, Independently of the level and combination of authentication that we setup in the SSO functionality on iMIS, we always receive a refresh_token with a value in our third-application - which is quite confuse for us as we are not expecting the application to be triggered if the user is not logged in on iMIS first. Or at least we are not expecting a valid string as refresh_token from POST. Using the iMIS' public URL for the third-app as an unauthorized user - whiteout being logged in - the following code is still executed in iMIS. <body onload='document.forms["form"].submit()'> <form name='form' action='' method='post'> <input type='hidden' name='refresh_token' value='c4fa2b00166a49928ca4838115ed50a7'> </form> </body> Can you please indicate if I might be doing something wrong in the SSO configuration or if that is the expected functionality or if it could be an error on iMIS? Thanks in advance! Chris Mazur.-

Accessing Cart via API

Hello, We have a client on 20.3 of iMIS. I am trying to call the API for a logged in user's cart using the following endpoint: In Postman, using this endpoint I am able to get cart data I am expecting back. Moving this endpoint into a script on an iMIS page gives me a 401 HTTP status code as a response which typically means Unauthorized. What can I do to GET the user's cart from the API on an iMIS page? We really need this functionality.

SSO Integration SAML 2.0

Hello, I need to integrate IMIS with a service provider ( Imis will work as the Identity provider and will need to implement SAML 2.0. Can anyone guide me to make it work ? Thank you

Offsets with queryservice endpoint

Is there any ability to use an offset with the new query service endpoint? We are asking since IQA endpoint will be deprecated in the relatively near future, so ideally we'd prefer to build everything using the new queryservice endpoint and not have to go back and fix up the old IQA endpoint. So far we have not see a way to pass any offsets along in the call. It also does not help that there is little to no documentation on the new query service endpoint. Kind regards, Julie

Simple client-based iParts from external source

If I create an iPart with an external HTML file for display and/or configuration is throwing an invalid virtual path error: 2020-11-04 12:43:11,328 [99] ERROR Asi.Web.UI.UserControlBase [(null)] - HttpException: 'https:/' is not a valid virtual path. at System.Web.Util.UrlPath.CheckValidVirtualPath(String path) at System.Web.Util.UrlPath.Combine(String appPath, String basepath, String relative) at System.Web.VirtualPath.Combine(VirtualPath relativePath) at System.Web.HttpRequest.MapPath(VirtualPath virtualPath, VirtualPath baseVirtualDir, Boolean allowCrossAppMapping) at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.MapPath(String path) at Asi.Web.Mvc.PathProvider.MapPath(String path) at Asi.Web.Mvc.MvvmUtility.Html(ContentItem iPart, PageType pageType) at Asi.Web.Mvc.MvvmUtility.DisplayHtml(ContentItem iPart) at Asi.Web.UI.ContentItemDisplayBase.GetMvvmContentItemHtml(ContentItem contentItem) at Asi.Web.UI.ContentItemDisplayBase.RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter writer) at Asi.Web.UI.ExceptionHandlingContentItemBase.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) Request URL: /Sbox/mcAdmin.aspx?WebsiteKey=4243d9e2-e91e-468c-97c2-2046d70c1e1a URL Referrer: /Sbox/mcAdmin.aspx The error points to https:/www..... but the setting on the iPart is https://www..... Is there some magic in pointing the display/config controls for a custom iPart to an external source?

Object Model/Data Contract

Is there a defined Object Model/Data Contract to use when deserializing the JSON data or do we need to write our own?

Date Range Filter on IQA

Hi, Is there a way to pass along a date range with as an IQA filter? This is for when using the QueryService endpoint. For example, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericExecuteRequest, Asi.Contracts", "EntityTypeName": "QueryService", "OperationName": "FindByPath", "Parameters": { "$type": "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.Object, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [{ "$type": "System.String", "$value": "$/Ascension_Development/List" }, { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.QueryData, Asi.Contracts", "Criteria": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.CriteriaDataCollection, Asi.Contracts", "$values": [{ "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.CriteriaData, Asi.Contracts", "Operation": 3, "PropertyName": "Transaction_Date", "Values": ["10/30/2020","10/31/2020"] }] } } ] } } So far everything we've tried returns an error or a message saying an error occured while constructing the query.