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API intermittently not working

Hello, Working on iMIS Cloud (20.3 upgraded) and I'm having trouble with most of the API endpoints. The iQA endpoint randomly gives me 400 - "Query: .../Store Queries/BOOL-Allowed to acquire VCE resources not found." /api/iqa?QueryName=$/.../Store Queries/BOOL-Allowed to acquire VCE resources The Party endpoint often gives me 403 - "Does not have required permission. (O)" /api/Party/194 I'm using the Manager account to generate the token, and it expires on the 21st. The iQA endpoint is randomly failing even when using passthru (with ajax) which is my primary use of it to control element display on RiSE pages. Here is the support ticket if that helps with more information: iQA endpoint: Party endpoint: Additionally I'm having trouble with the GroupMemberSummary endpoint: /api/GroupMemberSummary/E5FCE293-3D1E-4480-811E-AAA6A6CC5C11 is giving me a 404 regardless of time (that ID shows up in the Summary list) Thank you for your time, -Lee

Use OR When Filtering Results From Party

I'm looking for a way to filter parties based on the value of a text input. I want to search using some logic of **name=contains:value or email=contains:value**. Is there a way to do this without making two separate requests and combining the results? Cheers

Using the API to retrieve a Bearer Token - 403 Forbidden

I am trying to retrieve a bearer token from a PHP Wordpress plugin. I know that my code works because I can get a token using the [SDK Demo][1]. But whenever I try to use my real URL, I get a 403 Forbidden error. Following the instructions [here][2], I created an application user in iMIS with the remote service role. But when I use those credentials, I still get a 403 error. I am new to iMIS, so I am assuming I am just missing some setting or that I didn't apply the Remote Service role correctly. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! [1]: [2]:

Sorting the data of a table using REST API Call?

Hi ASI, How can we sort the data we get, so that it is sorted by some other fields in the table like Date or Amount Also, iMIS usually sends 100 results via REST, can we increase this no. I know we can do offset, but is there a way to increase it somehow? Endpoint: http://{{URL}}/api/Name_CEU

Angular Routing for iParts

I'm developing an iPart for iMIS using angular and I'm curious how to handle the initial view of my app. If we assume my iPart is being rendered from within a piece of Content, let's say at the following path: `/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/content.aspx` And with a relative base href: `<base href="./">` What would be the best way to display my initial view? (let's call the Component `HomePageComponent`) At the moment the only ways I can make it work is to either - Hardcode the default view based on the content page rendering the app (i.e. `{path: 'content.aspx', component: HomePageComponent}`) - Redirect to it from the wildcard catch all (i.e. `{path: '**', redirectTo: '/home'}`) I'm not a huge fan of either of these methods as the first one will fall over if I want to render the app somewhere else and the second means I can't use the wildcard catch all to handle improper routes. Anyone able to provide some clarity on the best way to configure angular iPart routes? Cal

API Returning 405 Method Not Allowed

When I make requests in the chrome developer console directly to the URL I do not have any issues. However, when I make requests using ajax in an html file, I always get a response of 405 method not allowed. Is there a specific way you have to make ajax requests?

Easiest way to retrieve roles for username

I'm trying to retrieve roles for a given username. The User entity has a roles field, but this is always null regardless of whether the user has been assigned any roles. I know that I could get a userkey for a username, then query UserRole to get a list of RoleKeys, then use rolekeys to get the names of the roles, but it seems like there should be a more straightforward way to get this information.

FinancialInformation in PartyData

As part of an upgrade we are replacing direct database links to the Rest API's. When I query my user with the Party API https://<myurl>/Asi.Scheduler_iMIS/api/Party/2200689 I get most of the data I expect, except for the FinancialInformation section. That section is blank. The user has an entry in in Name_Fin which is displayed on the contact details page https://<myurl>/iMIS/iCore/Contacts/ContactLayouts/Account_Page_Staff.aspx?ID=2200689 so I was expecting the data to be populated. Am I looking at the correct place?

REST API & Cached Responses

Currently learning my way around the iMIS REST API and have encountered an issue where I am being served party data that I have since deleted. This appears to persist for about 15 minutes before it eventually returns a 404. I've tried various combinations of HTTP headers and I can't seem to find a way to force a fresh response from the server. Is this by design and is there some way I can force a fresh response? ---------------- IMIS Version: Steps to reproduce: Query Party 12345: GET https://{{URL}}/api/Party/12345 --> get response Delete Party 12345: DELETE https://{{URL}}/api/Party/12345 --> empty response (party has been deleted - have confirmed via IMIS 'Find Contacts') Query Party 12345: GET https://{{URL}}/api/Party/12345 --> get response (I would expect a 404 here) ---------------- (getting similar results with query/deletion of carts)

Is there an ability to "Verify" a ComboOrder?

Back in the day you could "Verify()" an order to return taxes, shipping, handling, totals, etc. prior to submitting the final order. Can't see that in the REST documentation. Does such a thing exist? Thanks.