JUMP TOGeneraliMIS REST APIiMIS SDKAccountingBatchSummaryReturns a list of BatchSummarygetCreates a BatchSummarypostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a BatchSummary entitypostValidates a BatchSummarypostRemoves a BatchSummary by iddeleteReturns a BatchSummary by idgetUpdates a BatchSummary by idputGets the changelog for a BatchSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for BatchSummarygetCreditInvoiceExportReturns a list of CreditInvoiceExportgetChecks permissions for a CreditInvoiceExport entitypostGets the changelog for a CreditInvoiceExport for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CreditInvoiceExportgetCreditInvoiceExportItemReturns a list of CreditInvoiceExportItemgetChecks permissions for a CreditInvoiceExportItem entitypostGets the changelog for a CreditInvoiceExportItem for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CreditInvoiceExportItemgetDeferralMatrixReturns a list of DeferralMatrixgetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a DeferralMatrix entitypostValidates a DeferralMatrixpostGets the changelog for a DeferralMatrix for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DeferralMatrixgetGLAccountReturns a list of GLAccountgetChecks permissions for a GLAccount entitypostValidates a GLAccountpostReturns a GLAccount by idgetGets the changelog for a GLAccount for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GLAccountgetGLExportReturns a list of GLExportgetExecutes a GLExport operationpostChecks permissions for a GLExport entitypostValidates a GLExportpostGets the changelog for a GLExport for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GLExportgetLegacyDueToDueFromReturns a list of LegacyDueToDueFromgetCreates a LegacyDueToDueFrompostChecks permissions for a LegacyDueToDueFrom entitypostValidates a LegacyDueToDueFrompostRemoves a LegacyDueToDueFrom by iddeleteReturns a LegacyDueToDueFrom by idgetUpdates a LegacyDueToDueFrom by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyDueToDueFrom for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyDueToDueFromgetLegacyVatRuleReturns a list of LegacyVatRulegetCreates a LegacyVatRulepostChecks permissions for a LegacyVatRule entitypostValidates a LegacyVatRulepostRemoves a LegacyVatRule by iddeleteReturns a LegacyVatRule by idgetUpdates a LegacyVatRule by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyVatRule for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyVatRulegetLegacyVatRuleSetReturns a list of LegacyVatRuleSetgetCreates a LegacyVatRuleSetpostChecks permissions for a LegacyVatRuleSet entitypostValidates a LegacyVatRuleSetpostRemoves a LegacyVatRuleSet by iddeleteReturns a LegacyVatRuleSet by idgetUpdates a LegacyVatRuleSet by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyVatRuleSet for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyVatRuleSetgetPriceSheetReturns the metadata for PriceSheetgetReturns a list of PriceSheetgetChecks permissions for a PriceSheet entitypostValidates a PriceSheetpostGets the changelog for a PriceSheet for the specified idgetPriceSheetSummaryReturns the metadata for PriceSheetSummarygetReturns a list of PriceSheetSummarygetChecks permissions for a PriceSheetSummary entitypostValidates a PriceSheetSummarypostReturns a PriceSheetSummary by idgetUpdates a PriceSheetSummary by idputGets the changelog for a PriceSheetSummary for the specified idgetTaxAuthorityReturns the metadata for TaxAuthoritygetReturns a list of TaxAuthoritygetCreates a TaxAuthoritypostChecks permissions for a TaxAuthority entitypostValidates a TaxAuthoritypostRemoves a TaxAuthority by iddeleteReturns a TaxAuthority by idgetUpdates a TaxAuthority by idputGets the changelog for a TaxAuthority for the specified idgetTaxAuthoritySummaryReturns the metadata for TaxAuthoritySummarygetReturns a list of TaxAuthoritySummarygetChecks permissions for a TaxAuthoritySummary entitypostValidates a TaxAuthoritySummarypostReturns a TaxAuthoritySummary by idgetUpdates a TaxAuthoritySummary by idputGets the changelog for a TaxAuthoritySummary for the specified idgetTaxCategoryReturns the metadata for TaxCategorygetReturns a list of TaxCategorygetChecks permissions for a TaxCategory entitypostValidates a TaxCategorypostGets the changelog for a TaxCategory for the specified idgetTaxCategorySummaryReturns the metadata for TaxCategorySummarygetReturns a list of TaxCategorySummarygetChecks permissions for a TaxCategorySummary entitypostValidates a TaxCategorySummarypostGets the changelog for a TaxCategorySummary for the specified idgetTaxScheduleReturns the metadata for TaxSchedulegetReturns a list of TaxSchedulegetChecks permissions for a TaxSchedule entitypostValidates a TaxSchedulepostReturns a TaxSchedule by idgetUpdates a TaxSchedule by idputGets the changelog for a TaxSchedule for the specified idgetTaxScheduleSummaryReturns the metadata for TaxScheduleSummarygetReturns a list of TaxScheduleSummarygetChecks permissions for a TaxScheduleSummary entitypostValidates a TaxScheduleSummarypostReturns a TaxScheduleSummary by idgetUpdates a TaxScheduleSummary by idputGets the changelog for a TaxScheduleSummary for the specified idgetAuthenticationBearer tokenRequest new tokenpostCartShopping cartFind all cartsgetFind a single cartgetFind a cart for a partygetDelete existing cartdeleteCertificationCertificationProgramReturns a list of CertificationProgramgetExecutes a CertificationProgram operationpostChecks permissions for a CertificationProgram entitypostValidates a CertificationProgrampostReturns a CertificationProgram by idgetUpdates a CertificationProgram by idputGets the changelog for a CertificationProgram for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CertificationProgramgetCertificationProgramComponentReturns a list of CertificationProgramComponentgetChecks permissions for a CertificationProgramComponent entitypostValidates a CertificationProgramComponentpostReturns a CertificationProgramComponent by idgetGets the changelog for a CertificationProgramComponent for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CertificationProgramComponentgetCertificationProgramGroupReturns a list of CertificationProgramGroupgetChecks permissions for a CertificationProgramGroup entitypostValidates a CertificationProgramGrouppostReturns a CertificationProgramGroup by idgetGets the changelog for a CertificationProgramGroup for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CertificationProgramGroupgetCertificationProgramRegistrationReturns a list of CertificationProgramRegistrationgetCreates a CertificationProgramRegistrationpostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a CertificationProgramRegistration entitypostValidates a CertificationProgramRegistrationpostRemoves a CertificationProgramRegistration by iddeleteReturns a CertificationProgramRegistration by idgetUpdates a CertificationProgramRegistration by idputGets the changelog for a CertificationProgramRegistration for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CertificationProgramRegistrationgetCertificationProgramSummaryReturns a list of CertificationProgramSummarygetChecks permissions for a CertificationProgramSummary entitypostReturns a CertificationProgramSummary by idgetReturns the metadata for CertificationProgramSummarygetExperienceGradeReturns a list of ExperienceGradegetChecks permissions for an ExperienceGrade entitypostReturns an ExperienceGrade by idgetReturns the metadata for ExperienceGradegetExperienceLocationReturns a list of ExperienceLocationgetCreates an ExperienceLocationpostChecks permissions for an ExperienceLocation entitypostValidates an ExperienceLocationpostRemoves an ExperienceLocation by iddeleteReturns an ExperienceLocation by idgetUpdates an ExperienceLocation by idputGets the changelog for an ExperienceLocation for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ExperienceLocationgetExperienceUnitReturns a list of ExperienceUnitgetChecks permissions for an ExperienceUnit entitypostValidates an ExperienceUnitpostReturns an ExperienceUnit by idgetUpdates an ExperienceUnit by idputGets the changelog for an ExperienceUnit for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ExperienceUnitgetCommerce System SetupChapterZipCodeReturns a list of ChapterZipCodegetCreates a ChapterZipCodepostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a ChapterZipCode entitypostValidates a ChapterZipCodepostRemoves a ChapterZipCode by iddeleteUpdates a ChapterZipCode by idputGets the changelog for a ChapterZipCode for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ChapterZipCodegetDeliveryMethodReturns a list of DeliveryMethodgetChecks permissions for a DeliveryMethod entitypostValidates a DeliveryMethodpostReturns a DeliveryMethod by idgetUpdates a DeliveryMethod by idputGets the changelog for a DeliveryMethod for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DeliveryMethodgetDeliveryMethodSetReturns a list of DeliveryMethodSetgetChecks permissions for a DeliveryMethodSet entitypostValidates a DeliveryMethodSetpostReturns a DeliveryMethodSet by idgetUpdates a DeliveryMethodSet by idputGets the changelog for a DeliveryMethodSet for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DeliveryMethodSetgetLegacyFreightRateReturns a list of LegacyFreightRategetCreates a LegacyFreightRatepostChecks permissions for a LegacyFreightRate entitypostValidates a LegacyFreightRatepostRemoves a LegacyFreightRate by iddeleteUpdates a LegacyFreightRate by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyFreightRate for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyFreightRategetLegacyFreightZoneReturns a list of LegacyFreightZonegetCreates a LegacyFreightZonepostChecks permissions for a LegacyFreightZone entitypostValidates a LegacyFreightZonepostRemoves a LegacyFreightZone by iddeleteReturns a LegacyFreightZone by idgetUpdates a LegacyFreightZone by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyFreightZone for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyFreightZonegetLegacyOrderTypeReturns a list of LegacyOrderTypegetChecks permissions for a LegacyOrderType entitypostRemoves a LegacyOrderType by iddeleteReturns a LegacyOrderType by idgetUpdates a LegacyOrderType by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyOrderType for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyOrderTypegetPromotionReturns the metadata for PromotiongetReturns a list of PromotiongetCreates a PromotionpostChecks permissions for a Promotion entitypostValidates a PromotionpostRemoves a Promotion by iddeleteReturns a Promotion by idgetUpdates a Promotion by idputGets the changelog for a Promotion for the specified idgetSoftCreditTypeReturns the metadata for SoftCreditTypegetReturns a list of SoftCreditTypegetChecks permissions for a SoftCreditType entitypostValidates a SoftCreditTypepostGets the changelog for a SoftCreditType for the specified idgetUomGroupReturns the metadata for UomGroupgetReturns a list of UomGroupgetChecks permissions for an UomGroup entitypostValidates an UomGrouppostReturns an UomGroup by idgetUpdates an UomGroup by idputGets the changelog for an UomGroup for the specified idgetWarehouseSummaryReturns the metadata for WarehouseSummarygetReturns a list of WarehouseSummarygetChecks permissions for a WarehouseSummary entitypostValidates a WarehouseSummarypostReturns a WarehouseSummary by idgetUpdates a WarehouseSummary by idputGets the changelog for a WarehouseSummary for the specified idgetCommunicationsAppealReturns a list of AppealgetChecks permissions for an Appeal entitypostRemoves an Appeal by iddeleteUpdates an Appeal by idputGets the changelog for an Appeal for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for AppealgetAppealSummaryReturns a list of AppealSummarygetCreates an AppealSummarypostChecks permissions for an AppealSummary entitypostValidates an AppealSummarypostReturns an AppealSummary by idgetGets the changelog for an AppealSummary for the specified idgetCampaignReturns a list of CampaigngetChecks permissions for a Campaign entitypostValidates a CampaignpostRemoves a Campaign by iddeleteGets the changelog for a Campaign for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CampaigngetCampaignSummaryReturns a list of CampaignSummarygetChecks permissions for a CampaignSummary entitypostGets the changelog for a CampaignSummary for the specified idgetCommunicationReturns a CommunicationgetCreates a CommunicationpostChecks permissions for a Communication entitypostRemoves a Communication by iddeleteReturns a Communication by idgetUpdates a Communication by idputGets the changelog for a Communication for the specified idgetCommunicationLogReturns a list of CommunicationLoggetChecks permissions for a CommunicationLog entitypostValidates a CommunicationLogpostReturns a CommunicationLog by idgetUpdates a CommunicationLog by idputGets the changelog for a CommunicationLog for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CommunicationLoggetCommunicationLogAttachmentReturns a list of CommunicationLogAttachmentgetChecks permissions for a CommunicationLogAttachment entitypostValidates a CommunicationLogAttachmentpostGets the changelog for a CommunicationLogAttachment for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CommunicationLogAttachmentgetCommunicationLogEventReturns a list of CommunicationLogEventgetCreates a CommunicationLogEventpostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a CommunicationLogEvent entitypostValidates a CommunicationLogEventpostRemoves a CommunicationLogEvent by iddeleteReturns a CommunicationLogEvent by idgetGets the changelog for a CommunicationLogEvent for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CommunicationLogEventgetCommunicationLogRecipientReturns a list of CommunicationLogRecipientgetCreates a CommunicationLogRecipientpostExecutes a CommunicationLogRecipient operationpostChecks permissions for a CommunicationLogRecipient entitypostValidates a CommunicationLogRecipientpostRemoves a CommunicationLogRecipient by iddeleteReturns a CommunicationLogRecipient by idgetUpdates a CommunicationLogRecipient by idputGets the changelog for a CommunicationLogRecipient for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CommunicationLogRecipientgetCommunicationLogRecipientAttachmentReturns a list of CommunicationLogRecipientAttachmentgetCreates a CommunicationLogRecipientAttachmentpostChecks permissions for a CommunicationLogRecipientAttachment entitypostValidates a CommunicationLogRecipientAttachmentpostRemoves a CommunicationLogRecipientAttachment by iddeleteReturns a CommunicationLogRecipientAttachment by idgetUpdates a CommunicationLogRecipientAttachment by idputGets the changelog for a CommunicationLogRecipientAttachment for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CommunicationLogRecipientAttachmentgetCommunicationLogRecipientSummaryReturns a list of CommunicationLogRecipientSummarygetCreates a CommunicationLogRecipientSummarypostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a CommunicationLogRecipientSummary entitypostValidates a CommunicationLogRecipientSummarypostReturns a CommunicationLogRecipientSummary by idgetUpdates a CommunicationLogRecipientSummary by idputGets the changelog for a CommunicationLogRecipientSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CommunicationLogRecipientSummarygetCommunicationLogSummaryReturns a list of CommunicationLogSummarygetChecks permissions for a CommunicationLogSummary entitypostReturns a CommunicationLogSummary by idgetReturns the metadata for CommunicationLogSummarygetCommunicationTypeReturns a list of CommunicationTypegetChecks permissions for a CommunicationType entitypostValidates a CommunicationTypepostReturns a CommunicationType by idgetGets the changelog for a CommunicationType for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CommunicationTypegetEngagementCategoryReturns a list of EngagementCategorygetChecks permissions for an EngagementCategory entitypostValidates an EngagementCategorypostRemoves an EngagementCategory by iddeleteUpdates an EngagementCategory by idputGets the changelog for an EngagementCategory for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for EngagementCategorygetEngagementScoreReturns a list of EngagementScoregetChecks permissions for an EngagementScore entitypostValidates an EngagementScorepostReturns an EngagementScore by idgetUpdates an EngagementScore by idputGets the changelog for an EngagementScore for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for EngagementScoregetFormDefinitionReturns a list of FormDefinitiongetCreates a FormDefinitionpostChecks permissions for a FormDefinition entitypostValidates a FormDefinitionpostRemoves a FormDefinition by iddeleteReturns a FormDefinition by idgetGets the changelog for a FormDefinition for the specified idgetFormDefinitionSectionReturns a list of FormDefinitionSectiongetChecks permissions for a FormDefinitionSection entitypostValidates a FormDefinitionSectionpostRemoves a FormDefinitionSection by iddeleteUpdates a FormDefinitionSection by idputGets the changelog for a FormDefinitionSection for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for FormDefinitionSectiongetFormResponseReturns a list of FormResponsegetCreates a FormResponsepostExecutes a FormResponse operationpostChecks permissions for a FormResponse entitypostValidates a FormResponsepostRemoves a FormResponse by iddeleteReturns a FormResponse by idgetGets the changelog for a FormResponse for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for FormResponsegetMessageExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a Message entitypostGets the changelog for a Message for the specified idgetNotificationSetReturns the metadata for NotificationSetgetReturns a list of NotificationSetgetCreates a NotificationSetpostExecutes a NotificationSet operationpostChecks permissions for a NotificationSet entitypostValidates a NotificationSetpostRemoves a NotificationSet by iddeleteReturns a NotificationSet by idgetUpdates a NotificationSet by idputGets the changelog for a NotificationSet for the specified idgetNotificationSetDetailReturns the metadata for NotificationSetDetailgetReturns a list of NotificationSetDetailgetCreates a NotificationSetDetailpostChecks permissions for a NotificationSetDetail entitypostValidates a NotificationSetDetailpostRemoves a NotificationSetDetail by iddeleteReturns a NotificationSetDetail by idgetUpdates a NotificationSetDetail by idputGets the changelog for a NotificationSetDetail for the specified idgetScoreComponentReturns the metadata for ScoreComponentgetReturns a list of ScoreComponentgetChecks permissions for a ScoreComponent entitypostValidates a ScoreComponentpostRemoves a ScoreComponent by iddeleteUpdates a ScoreComponent by idputGets the changelog for a ScoreComponent for the specified idgetSolicitationReturns the metadata for SolicitationgetReturns a list of SolicitationgetChecks permissions for a Solicitation entitypostRemoves a Solicitation by iddeleteGets the changelog for a Solicitation for the specified idgetSolicitationSummaryReturns a list of SolicitationSummarygetChecks permissions for a SolicitationSummary entitypostGets the changelog for a SolicitationSummary for the specified idgetSourceCodeReturns the metadata for SourceCodegetReturns a list of SourceCodegetChecks permissions for a SourceCode entitypostRemoves a SourceCode by iddeleteGets the changelog for a SourceCode for the specified idgetSourceCodeSummaryReturns a list of SourceCodeSummarygetExecutes a SourceCodeSummary operationpostChecks permissions for a SourceCodeSummary entitypostGets the changelog for a SourceCodeSummary for the specified idgetTaskActionLogReturns the metadata for TaskActionLoggetReturns a list of TaskActionLoggetChecks permissions for a TaskActionLog entitypostValidates a TaskActionLogpostGets the changelog for a TaskActionLog for the specified idgetTaskActionLogDetailReturns the metadata for TaskActionLogDetailgetReturns a list of TaskActionLogDetailgetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a TaskActionLogDetail entitypostValidates a TaskActionLogDetailpostGets the changelog for a TaskActionLogDetail for the specified idgetTaskCommonTableReturns the metadata for TaskCommonTablegetReturns a list of TaskCommonTablegetChecks permissions for a TaskCommonTable entitypostReturns a TaskCommonTable by idgetTaskDefinitionReturns the metadata for TaskDefinitiongetReturns a list of TaskDefinitiongetCreates a TaskDefinitionpostExecutes a TaskDefinition operationpostChecks permissions for a TaskDefinition entitypostValidates a TaskDefinitionpostRemoves a TaskDefinition by iddeleteReturns a TaskDefinition by idgetUpdates a TaskDefinition by idputGets the changelog for a TaskDefinition for the specified idgetTaskLogReturns the metadata for TaskLoggetReturns a list of TaskLoggetCreates a TaskLogpostChecks permissions for a TaskLog entitypostValidates a TaskLogpostRemoves a TaskLog by iddeleteReturns a TaskLog by idgetUpdates a TaskLog by idputGets the changelog for a TaskLog for the specified idgetTaskLogDetailReturns the metadata for TaskLogDetailgetReturns a list of TaskLogDetailgetCreates a TaskLogDetailpostChecks permissions for a TaskLogDetail entitypostValidates a TaskLogDetailpostRemoves a TaskLogDetail by iddeleteReturns a TaskLogDetail by idgetUpdates a TaskLogDetail by idputGets the changelog for a TaskLogDetail for the specified idgetTaskQueueReturns the metadata for TaskQueuegetReturns a list of TaskQueuegetTaskQueuePublishDetailReturns the metadata for TaskQueuePublishDetailgetReturns a list of TaskQueuePublishDetailgetChecks permissions for a TaskQueuePublishDetail entitypostValidates a TaskQueuePublishDetailpostGets the changelog for a TaskQueuePublishDetail for the specified idgetTaskQueueTriggerDetailReturns the metadata for TaskQueueTriggerDetailgetTaskSubscriptionReturns the metadata for TaskSubscriptiongetChecks permissions for a TaskSubscription entitypostGets the changelog for a TaskSubscription for the specified idgetTemplateReturns a list of TemplategetCreates a TemplatepostChecks permissions for a Template entitypostRemoves a Template by iddeleteUpdates a Template by idputCoreBOEntityDefinitionReturns a list of BOEntityDefinitiongetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a BOEntityDefinition entitypostReturns a BOEntityDefinition by idgetChangeLogReturns a list of ChangeLoggetChecks permissions for a ChangeLog entitypostReturns a ChangeLog by idgetGets the changelog for a ChangeLog for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ChangeLoggetContentItemChecks permissions for a ContentItem entitypostCultureFormatReturns a list of CultureFormatgetChecks permissions for a CultureFormat entitypostDocumentReturns a list of DocumentgetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a Document entitypostValidates a DocumentpostGets the changelog for a Document for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DocumentgetDocumentSummaryReturns a list of DocumentSummarygetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a DocumentSummary entitypostValidates a DocumentSummarypostGets the changelog for a DocumentSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DocumentSummarygetGatewayAccountReturns a list of GatewayAccountgetCreates a GatewayAccountpostChecks permissions for a GatewayAccount entitypostValidates a GatewayAccountpostRemoves a GatewayAccount by iddeleteReturns a GatewayAccount by idgetUpdates a GatewayAccount by idputGets the changelog for a GatewayAccount for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GatewayAccountgetGenTableReturns a list of GenTablegetCreates a GenTablepostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a GenTable entitypostValidates a GenTablepostRemoves a GenTable by iddeleteReturns a GenTable by idgetUpdates a GenTable by idputGets the changelog for a GenTable for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GenTablegetImportBatchReturns a list of ImportBatchgetCreates an ImportBatchpostExecutes an ImportBatch operationpostChecks permissions for an ImportBatch entitypostValidates an ImportBatchpostRemoves an ImportBatch by iddeleteReturns an ImportBatch by idgetUpdates an ImportBatch by idputGets the changelog for an ImportBatch for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ImportBatchgetImportBatchSummaryReturns a list of ImportBatchSummarygetChecks permissions for an ImportBatchSummary entitypostValidates an ImportBatchSummarypostReturns an ImportBatchSummary by idgetGets the changelog for an ImportBatchSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ImportBatchSummarygetImportFileTypeReturns a list of ImportFileTypegetExecutes an ImportFileType operationpostChecks permissions for an ImportFileType entitypostValidates an ImportFileTypepostReturns an ImportFileType by idgetUpdates an ImportFileType by idputGets the changelog for an ImportFileType for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ImportFileTypegetLegacyActivityTypeReturns a list of LegacyActivityTypegetCreates a LegacyActivityTypepostChecks permissions for a LegacyActivityType entitypostValidates a LegacyActivityTypepostRemoves a LegacyActivityType by iddeleteReturns a LegacyActivityType by idgetUpdates a LegacyActivityType by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyActivityType for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyActivityTypegetLegacyCashAccountReturns a list of LegacyCashAccountgetChecks permissions for a LegacyCashAccount entitypostReturns a LegacyCashAccount by idgetUpdates a LegacyCashAccount by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyCashAccount for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyCashAccountgetLegacyCustomerTypeReturns a list of LegacyCustomerTypegetCreates a LegacyCustomerTypepostChecks permissions for a LegacyCustomerType entitypostValidates a LegacyCustomerTypepostRemoves a LegacyCustomerType by iddeleteReturns a LegacyCustomerType by idgetUpdates a LegacyCustomerType by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyCustomerType for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyCustomerTypegetLocalizationControlPropertyReturns a list of LocalizationControlPropertygetCreates a LocalizationControlPropertypostChecks permissions for a LocalizationControlProperty entitypostValidates a LocalizationControlPropertypostRemoves a LocalizationControlProperty by iddeleteUpdates a LocalizationControlProperty by idputGets the changelog for a LocalizationControlProperty for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LocalizationControlPropertygetLocalizationControlTypeReturns a list of LocalizationControlTypegetCreates a LocalizationControlTypepostChecks permissions for a LocalizationControlType entitypostValidates a LocalizationControlTypepostRemoves a LocalizationControlType by iddeleteReturns a LocalizationControlType by idgetUpdates a LocalizationControlType by idputGets the changelog for a LocalizationControlType for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LocalizationControlTypegetLocalizationCultureReturns a list of LocalizationCulturegetChecks permissions for a LocalizationCulture entitypostValidates a LocalizationCulturepostReturns a LocalizationCulture by idgetUpdates a LocalizationCulture by idputGets the changelog for a LocalizationCulture for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LocalizationCulturegetLocalizationPhraseReturns a list of LocalizationPhrasegetCreates a LocalizationPhrasepostChecks permissions for a LocalizationPhrase entitypostValidates a LocalizationPhrasepostRemoves a LocalizationPhrase by iddeleteReturns a LocalizationPhrase by idgetUpdates a LocalizationPhrase by idputGets the changelog for a LocalizationPhrase for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LocalizationPhrasegetLogMessageChecks permissions for a LogMessage entitypostGets the changelog for a LogMessage for the specified idgetNoteReturns the metadata for NotegetReturns a list of NotegetChecks permissions for a Note entitypostValidates a NotepostRemoves a Note by iddeleteGets the changelog for a Note for the specified idgetPanelDefinitionReturns the metadata for PanelDefinitiongetReturns a list of PanelDefinitiongetChecks permissions for a PanelDefinition entitypostValidates a PanelDefinitionpostRemoves a PanelDefinition by iddeleteReturns a PanelDefinition by idgetGets the changelog for a PanelDefinition for the specified idgetPanelDefinitionSummaryReturns the metadata for PanelDefinitionSummarygetReturns a list of PanelDefinitionSummarygetChecks permissions for a PanelDefinitionSummary entitypostValidates a PanelDefinitionSummarypostGets the changelog for a PanelDefinitionSummary for the specified idgetPartyDeleteLogReturns the metadata for PartyDeleteLoggetReturns a list of PartyDeleteLoggetCreates a PartyDeleteLogpostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a PartyDeleteLog entitypostValidates a PartyDeleteLogpostReturns a PartyDeleteLog by idgetUpdates a PartyDeleteLog by idputGets the changelog for a PartyDeleteLog for the specified idgetRedirectRuleReturns the metadata for RedirectRulegetReturns a list of RedirectRulegetCreates a RedirectRulepostChecks permissions for a RedirectRule entitypostValidates a RedirectRulepostRemoves a RedirectRule by iddeleteReturns a RedirectRule by idgetUpdates a RedirectRule by idputGets the changelog for a RedirectRule for the specified idgetTagReturns the metadata for TaggetReturns a list of TaggetChecks permissions for a Tag entitypostReturns a Tag by idgetGets the changelog for a Tag for the specified idgetThemesReturns the metadata for ThemesgetReturns a list of ThemesgetCreates a ThemespostChecks permissions for a Themes entitypostValidates a ThemespostRemoves a Themes by iddeleteReturns a Themes by idgetUpdates a Themes by idputGets the changelog for a Themes for the specified idgetQueryDefinitionExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a QueryDefinition entitypostEventsEventReturns a list of EventgetCreates an EventpostExecutes an Event operationpostChecks permissions for an Event entitypostValidates an EventpostRemoves an Event by iddeleteReturns an Event by idgetGets the changelog for an Event for the specified idgetEventCategoryReturns a list of EventCategorygetChecks permissions for an EventCategory entitypostValidates an EventCategorypostReturns an EventCategory by idgetGets the changelog for an EventCategory for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for EventCategorygetEventFunctionChecks permissions for an EventFunction entitypostGets the changelog for an EventFunction for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for EventFunctiongetEventRegistrationReturns an EventRegistrationgetExecutes an EventRegistration operationpostChecks permissions for an EventRegistration entitypostValidates an EventRegistrationpostReturns an EventRegistration by idgetUpdates an EventRegistration by idputGets the changelog for an EventRegistration for the specified idgetEventRegistrationSummaryReturns an EventRegistrationSummarygetChecks permissions for an EventRegistrationSummary entitypostReturns an EventRegistrationSummary by idgetGets the changelog for an EventRegistrationSummary for the specified idgetEventRelatedFunctionReturns a list of EventRelatedFunctiongetCreates an EventRelatedFunctionpostChecks permissions for an EventRelatedFunction entitypostValidates an EventRelatedFunctionpostRemoves an EventRelatedFunction by iddeleteUpdates an EventRelatedFunction by idputGets the changelog for an EventRelatedFunction for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for EventRelatedFunctiongetEventResourceReturns a list of EventResourcegetCreates an EventResourcepostChecks permissions for an EventResource entitypostValidates an EventResourcepostRemoves an EventResource by iddeleteReturns an EventResource by idgetUpdates an EventResource by idputGets the changelog for an EventResource for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for EventResourcegetEventResourceTypeReturns a list of EventResourceTypegetCreates an EventResourceTypepostChecks permissions for an EventResourceType entitypostValidates an EventResourceTypepostRemoves an EventResourceType by iddeleteUpdates an EventResourceType by idputGets the changelog for an EventResourceType for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for EventResourceTypegetEventSummaryReturns a list of EventSummarygetChecks permissions for an EventSummary entitypostValidates an EventSummarypostRemoves an EventSummary by iddeleteReturns an EventSummary by idgetGets the changelog for an EventSummary for the specified idgetLegacyEventFunctionAttendanceReturns a list of LegacyEventFunctionAttendancegetChecks permissions for a LegacyEventFunctionAttendance entitypostValidates a LegacyEventFunctionAttendancepostReturns a LegacyEventFunctionAttendance by idgetUpdates a LegacyEventFunctionAttendance by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyEventFunctionAttendance for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyEventFunctionAttendancegetPartyEventAvailabilityReturns a list of PartyEventAvailabilitygetChecks permissions for a PartyEventAvailability entitypostValidates a PartyEventAvailabilitypostReturns a PartyEventAvailability by idgetGets the changelog for a PartyEventAvailability for the specified idgetProgramGroupReturns the metadata for ProgramGroupgetReturns a list of ProgramGroupgetChecks permissions for a ProgramGroup entitypostValidates a ProgramGrouppostRemoves a ProgramGroup by iddeleteUpdates a ProgramGroup by idputGets the changelog for a ProgramGroup for the specified idgetFundraisingDonationPremiumReturns a list of DonationPremiumgetCreates a DonationPremiumpostChecks permissions for a DonationPremium entitypostValidates a DonationPremiumpostRemoves a DonationPremium by iddeleteReturns a DonationPremium by idgetUpdates a DonationPremium by idputGets the changelog for a DonationPremium for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DonationPremiumgetGiftAidClaimReturns a list of GiftAidClaimgetExecutes a GiftAidClaim operationpostChecks permissions for a GiftAidClaim entitypostGets the changelog for a GiftAidClaim for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GiftAidClaimgetGiftAidClaimDetailReturns a list of GiftAidClaimDetailgetChecks permissions for a GiftAidClaimDetail entitypostRemoves a GiftAidClaimDetail by iddeleteGets the changelog for a GiftAidClaimDetail for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GiftAidClaimDetailgetGiftInformationBatchReturns a list of GiftInformationBatchgetCreates a GiftInformationBatchpostExecutes a GiftInformationBatch operationpostChecks permissions for a GiftInformationBatch entitypostValidates a GiftInformationBatchpostRemoves a GiftInformationBatch by iddeleteReturns a GiftInformationBatch by idgetUpdates a GiftInformationBatch by idputGiftItemReturns a list of GiftItemgetCreates a GiftItempostChecks permissions for a GiftItem entitypostValidates a GiftItempostRemoves a GiftItem by iddeleteReturns a GiftItem by idgetGets the changelog for a GiftItem for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GiftItemgetGiftPremiumRuleReturns a list of GiftPremiumRulegetExecutes a GiftPremiumRule operationpostChecks permissions for a GiftPremiumRule entitypostValidates a GiftPremiumRulepostRemoves a GiftPremiumRule by iddeleteReturns a GiftPremiumRule by idgetUpdates a GiftPremiumRule by idputGets the changelog for a GiftPremiumRule for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GiftPremiumRulegetGiftPremiumSetReturns a list of GiftPremiumSetgetChecks permissions for a GiftPremiumSet entitypostGets the changelog for a GiftPremiumSet for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GiftPremiumSetgetTributeTypeReturns the metadata for TributeTypegetReturns a list of TributeTypegetCreates a TributeTypepostChecks permissions for a TributeType entitypostValidates a TributeTypepostRemoves a TributeType by iddeleteReturns a TributeType by idgetUpdates a TributeType by idputGets the changelog for a TributeType for the specified idgetInvoiceBillingIssueNotificationLogReturns a list of BillingIssueNotificationLoggetChecks permissions for a BillingIssueNotificationLog entitypostGets the changelog for a BillingIssueNotificationLog for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for BillingIssueNotificationLoggetBillingIssueNotificationLogDetailReturns a list of BillingIssueNotificationLogDetailgetChecks permissions for a BillingIssueNotificationLogDetail entitypostGets the changelog for a BillingIssueNotificationLogDetail for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for BillingIssueNotificationLogDetailgetBillingLogReturns a list of BillingLoggetChecks permissions for a BillingLog entitypostReturns a BillingLog by idgetUpdates a BillingLog by idputGets the changelog for a BillingLog for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for BillingLoggetBillingLogItemReturns a list of BillingLogItemgetCreates a BillingLogItempostChecks permissions for a BillingLogItem entitypostValidates a BillingLogItempostRemoves a BillingLogItem by iddeleteUpdates a BillingLogItem by idputGets the changelog for a BillingLogItem for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for BillingLogItemgetInvoiceReturns a list of InvoicegetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for an Invoice entitypostReturns an Invoice by idgetGets the changelog for an Invoice for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for InvoicegetInvoiceSummaryReturns a list of InvoiceSummarygetExecutes an InvoiceSummary operationpostChecks permissions for an InvoiceSummary entitypostValidates an InvoiceSummarypostReturns an InvoiceSummary by idgetGets the changelog for an InvoiceSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for InvoiceSummarygetLegacyPartyMembershipExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostLegacySubscriptionReturns a list of LegacySubscriptiongetChecks permissions for a LegacySubscription entitypostUpdates a LegacySubscription by idputGets the changelog for a LegacySubscription for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacySubscriptiongetScheduledPaymentReturns the metadata for ScheduledPaymentgetReturns a list of ScheduledPaymentgetChecks permissions for a ScheduledPayment entitypostValidates a ScheduledPaymentpostGets the changelog for a ScheduledPayment for the specified idgetPartyPledgeScheduledPaymentChecks permissions for a PartyPledgeScheduledPayment entitypostIQAIntelligent Query ArchitectQuery resultsgetQuery by keygetItemGiftPremiumExecutes a GiftPremium operationpostChecks permissions for a GiftPremium entitypostValidates a GiftPremiumpostGets the changelog for a GiftPremium for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GiftPremiumgetItemReturns a list of ItemgetChecks permissions for an Item entitypostValidates an ItempostReturns an Item by idgetUpdates an Item by idputGets the changelog for an Item for the specified idgetItemClassReturns a list of ItemClassgetChecks permissions for an ItemClass entitypostValidates an ItemClasspostReturns an ItemClass by idgetGets the changelog for an ItemClass for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ItemClassgetItemClassSummaryReturns a list of ItemClassSummarygetChecks permissions for an ItemClassSummary entitypostReturns an ItemClassSummary by idgetReturns the metadata for ItemClassSummarygetItemPriceChecks permissions for an ItemPrice entitypostGets the changelog for an ItemPrice for the specified idgetItemSetItemChecks permissions for an ItemSetItem entitypostGets the changelog for an ItemSetItem for the specified idgetItemSummaryReturns a list of ItemSummarygetChecks permissions for an ItemSummary entitypostReturns an ItemSummary by idgetReturns the metadata for ItemSummarygetLegacyBillingCycleReturns a list of LegacyBillingCyclegetCreates a LegacyBillingCyclepostChecks permissions for a LegacyBillingCycle entitypostValidates a LegacyBillingCyclepostRemoves a LegacyBillingCycle by iddeleteReturns a LegacyBillingCycle by idgetUpdates a LegacyBillingCycle by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyBillingCycle for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyBillingCyclegetLegacyBillingItemReturns a list of LegacyBillingItemgetCreates a LegacyBillingItempostChecks permissions for a LegacyBillingItem entitypostValidates a LegacyBillingItempostRemoves a LegacyBillingItem by iddeleteReturns a LegacyBillingItem by idgetUpdates a LegacyBillingItem by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyBillingItem for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyBillingItemgetLegacyItemClassDetailReturns a list of LegacyItemClassDetailgetCreates a LegacyItemClassDetailpostChecks permissions for a LegacyItemClassDetail entitypostValidates a LegacyItemClassDetailpostRemoves a LegacyItemClassDetail by iddeleteReturns a LegacyItemClassDetail by idgetUpdates a LegacyItemClassDetail by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyItemClassDetail for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyItemClassDetailgetLegacyProductItemChecks permissions for a LegacyProductItem entitypostGets the changelog for a LegacyProductItem for the specified idgetPartyItemAvailabilityReturns the metadata for PartyItemAvailabilitygetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a PartyItemAvailability entitypostPartyItemPriceReturns the metadata for PartyItemPricegetReturns a list of PartyItemPricegetExecutes a PartyItemPrice operationpostChecks permissions for a PartyItemPrice entitypostValidates a PartyItemPricepostReturns a PartyItemPrice by idgetGets the changelog for a PartyItemPrice for the specified idgetProductInventoryReturns the metadata for ProductInventorygetReturns a list of ProductInventorygetChecks permissions for a ProductInventory entitypostValidates a ProductInventorypostReturns a ProductInventory by idgetGets the changelog for a ProductInventory for the specified idgetProductTransactionReturns the metadata for ProductTransactiongetReturns a list of ProductTransactiongetCreates a ProductTransactionpostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a ProductTransaction entitypostValidates a ProductTransactionpostRemoves a ProductTransaction by iddeleteReturns a ProductTransaction by idgetGets the changelog for a ProductTransaction for the specified idgetProductTransactionDetailReturns the metadata for ProductTransactionDetailgetReturns a list of ProductTransactionDetailgetChecks permissions for a ProductTransactionDetail entitypostValidates a ProductTransactionDetailpostGets the changelog for a ProductTransactionDetail for the specified idgetProductItemChecks permissions for a ProductItem entitypostGets the changelog for a ProductItem for the specified idgetMembershipCommitteeMinutesReturns a list of CommitteeMinutesgetChecks permissions for a CommitteeMinutes entitypostGets the changelog for a CommitteeMinutes for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CommitteeMinutesgetContactInteractionReturns a list of ContactInteractiongetChecks permissions for a ContactInteraction entitypostValidates a ContactInteractionpostGets the changelog for a ContactInteraction for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for ContactInteractiongetGroupReturns a list of GroupgetCreates a GrouppostChecks permissions for a Group entitypostValidates a GrouppostReturns a Group by idgetGets the changelog for a Group for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GroupgetGroupClassReturns a list of GroupClassgetChecks permissions for a GroupClass entitypostValidates a GroupClasspostReturns a GroupClass by idgetGets the changelog for a GroupClass for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GroupClassgetGroupClassSummaryReturns a list of GroupClassSummarygetChecks permissions for a GroupClassSummary entitypostValidates a GroupClassSummarypostReturns a GroupClassSummary by idgetGets the changelog for a GroupClassSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GroupClassSummarygetGroupMemberReturns a list of GroupMembergetCreates a GroupMemberpostExecutes a GroupMember operationpostChecks permissions for a GroupMember entitypostValidates a GroupMemberpostReturns a GroupMember by idgetUpdates a GroupMember by idputGets the changelog for a GroupMember for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GroupMembergetGroupMemberSummaryReturns a list of GroupMemberSummarygetChecks permissions for a GroupMemberSummary entitypostValidates a GroupMemberSummarypostReturns a GroupMemberSummary by idgetGets the changelog for a GroupMemberSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GroupMemberSummarygetGroupSummaryReturns a list of GroupSummarygetChecks permissions for a GroupSummary entitypostValidates a GroupSummarypostReturns a GroupSummary by idgetGets the changelog for a GroupSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GroupSummarygetInteractionActionReturns a list of InteractionActiongetChecks permissions for an InteractionAction entitypostValidates an InteractionActionpostGets the changelog for an InteractionAction for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for InteractionActiongetInteractionTypeReturns a list of InteractionTypegetChecks permissions for an InteractionType entitypostValidates an InteractionTypepostGets the changelog for an InteractionType for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for InteractionTypegetInteractionTypeActionReturns a list of InteractionTypeActiongetChecks permissions for an InteractionTypeAction entitypostValidates an InteractionTypeActionpostGets the changelog for an InteractionTypeAction for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for InteractionTypeActiongetProrateScheduleReturns the metadata for ProrateSchedulegetReturns a list of ProrateSchedulegetChecks permissions for a ProrateSchedule entitypostValidates a ProrateSchedulepostReturns a ProrateSchedule by idgetUpdates a ProrateSchedule by idputGets the changelog for a ProrateSchedule for the specified idgetRoleReturns the metadata for RolegetReturns a list of RolegetChecks permissions for a Role entitypostReturns a Role by idgetSocialNetworkReturns the metadata for SocialNetworkgetReturns a list of SocialNetworkgetChecks permissions for a SocialNetwork entitypostValidates a SocialNetworkpostReturns a SocialNetwork by idgetGets the changelog for a SocialNetwork for the specified idgetOrder ProcessingComboOrderCreates a ComboOrderpostChecks permissions for a ComboOrder entitypostValidates a ComboOrderpostGets the changelog for a ComboOrder for the specified idgetItemSaleExecutes an ItemSale operationpostChecks permissions for an ItemSale entitypostGets the changelog for an ItemSale for the specified idgetLegacyOrderExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a LegacyOrder entitypostOrderStageProcessingNotificationLogReturns the metadata for OrderStageProcessingNotificationLoggetReturns a list of OrderStageProcessingNotificationLoggetChecks permissions for an OrderStageProcessingNotificationLog entitypostValidates an OrderStageProcessingNotificationLogpostGets the changelog for an OrderStageProcessingNotificationLog for the specified idgetOrderStageProcessingNotificationLogDetailReturns the metadata for OrderStageProcessingNotificationLogDetailgetReturns a list of OrderStageProcessingNotificationLogDetailgetChecks permissions for an OrderStageProcessingNotificationLogDetail entitypostValidates an OrderStageProcessingNotificationLogDetailpostGets the changelog for an OrderStageProcessingNotificationLogDetail for the specified idgetOrderCreates an OrderpostExecutes an Order operationpostChecks permissions for an Order entitypostValidates an OrderpostGets the changelog for an Order for the specified idgetOtherFind party using filtergetDataContract singlegetDataContract multiplegetDataContract delete recorddeletePaymentsAutoPayAccountReturns a list of AutoPayAccountgetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for an AutoPayAccount entitypostRemoves an AutoPayAccount by iddeleteReturns an AutoPayAccount by idgetUpdates an AutoPayAccount by idputReturns the metadata for AutoPayAccountgetAutoPayInstructionReturns a list of AutoPayInstructiongetCreates an AutoPayInstructionpostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for an AutoPayInstruction entitypostValidates an AutoPayInstructionpostRemoves an AutoPayInstruction by iddeleteReturns an AutoPayInstruction by idgetUpdates an AutoPayInstruction by idputGets the changelog for an AutoPayInstruction for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for AutoPayInstructiongetAutoPayProcessorExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostDataVaultAttemptReturns a list of DataVaultAttemptgetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a DataVaultAttempt entitypostValidates a DataVaultAttemptpostGets the changelog for a DataVaultAttempt for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DataVaultAttemptgetDataVaultLogReturns a list of DataVaultLoggetCreates a DataVaultLogpostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a DataVaultLog entitypostValidates a DataVaultLogpostRemoves a DataVaultLog by iddeleteReturns a DataVaultLog by idgetUpdates a DataVaultLog by idputGets the changelog for a DataVaultLog for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DataVaultLoggetDataVaultLogDetailReturns a list of DataVaultLogDetailgetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a DataVaultLogDetail entitypostValidates a DataVaultLogDetailpostGets the changelog for a DataVaultLogDetail for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DataVaultLogDetailgetPaymentReturns the metadata for PaymentgetReturns a list of PaymentgetCreates a PaymentpostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a Payment entitypostValidates a PaymentpostReturns a Payment by idgetUpdates a Payment by idputGets the changelog for a Payment for the specified idgetPaymentMethodReturns the metadata for PaymentMethodgetReturns a list of PaymentMethodgetExecutes a PaymentMethod operationpostChecks permissions for a PaymentMethod entitypostValidates a PaymentMethodpostReturns a PaymentMethod by idgetGets the changelog for a PaymentMethod for the specified idgetPaymentMethodSetReturns the metadata for PaymentMethodSetgetReturns a list of PaymentMethodSetgetCreates a PaymentMethodSetpostChecks permissions for a PaymentMethodSet entitypostValidates a PaymentMethodSetpostRemoves a PaymentMethodSet by iddeleteReturns a PaymentMethodSet by idgetUpdates a PaymentMethodSet by idputGets the changelog for a PaymentMethodSet for the specified idgetPaymentMethodSetDetailReturns the metadata for PaymentMethodSetDetailgetReturns a list of PaymentMethodSetDetailgetCreates a PaymentMethodSetDetailpostChecks permissions for a PaymentMethodSetDetail entitypostValidates a PaymentMethodSetDetailpostRemoves a PaymentMethodSetDetail by iddeleteReturns a PaymentMethodSetDetail by idgetUpdates a PaymentMethodSetDetail by idputGets the changelog for a PaymentMethodSetDetail for the specified idgetPaymentSummaryReturns the metadata for PaymentSummarygetReturns a list of PaymentSummarygetChecks permissions for a PaymentSummary entitypostValidates a PaymentSummarypostRemoves a PaymentSummary by iddeleteReturns a PaymentSummary by idgetUpdates a PaymentSummary by idputGets the changelog for a PaymentSummary for the specified idgetPaymentTermsReturns the metadata for PaymentTermsgetReturns a list of PaymentTermsgetChecks permissions for a PaymentTerms entitypostValidates a PaymentTermspostRemoves a PaymentTerms by iddeleteReturns a PaymentTerms by idgetGets the changelog for a PaymentTerms for the specified idgetPaymentTermsSummaryReturns the metadata for PaymentTermsSummarygetReturns a list of PaymentTermsSummarygetChecks permissions for a PaymentTermsSummary entitypostValidates a PaymentTermsSummarypostRemoves a PaymentTermsSummary by iddeleteReturns a PaymentTermsSummary by idgetGets the changelog for a PaymentTermsSummary for the specified idgetReceiptReturns the metadata for ReceiptgetReturns a list of ReceiptgetExecutes a Receipt operationpostChecks permissions for a Receipt entitypostGets the changelog for a Receipt for the specified idgetReceiptLineReturns the metadata for ReceiptLinegetReturns a list of ReceiptLinegetChecks permissions for a ReceiptLine entitypostValidates a ReceiptLinepostRemoves a ReceiptLine by iddeleteGets the changelog for a ReceiptLine for the specified idgetPaymentTermsMethodSetReturns a list of PaymentTermsMethodSetgetChecks permissions for a PaymentTermsMethodSet entitypostReturns a PaymentTermsMethodSet by idgetiMIS Panel SourcePanelGet data for a specific panel source.getSave new data for a panel source.postRemoves the panel source row that ties to the UserId.deleteGet data for a user from a panel source.getUpdate data for a panel source.putUser SecurityUserSecurityCreates a UserpostReturns an instance of UserSecuritygetRemoves a User by UserIddeleteExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a UserSecurity entitypostPartyAddressChecks permissions for an Address entitypostValidates an AddresspostRemoves an Address by iddeleteUpdates an Address by idputGets the changelog for an Address for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for AddressgetAddressFormatReturns a list of AddressFormatgetCreates an AddressFormatpostChecks permissions for an AddressFormat entitypostValidates an AddressFormatpostRemoves an AddressFormat by iddeleteReturns an AddressFormat by idgetUpdates an AddressFormat by idputGets the changelog for an AddressFormat for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for AddressFormatgetAddressPurposeReturns a list of AddressPurposegetChecks permissions for an AddressPurpose entitypostValidates an AddressPurposepostReturns an AddressPurpose by idgetUpdates an AddressPurpose by idputGets the changelog for an AddressPurpose for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for AddressPurposegetCountryReturns a list of CountrygetChecks permissions for a Country entitypostReturns a Country by idgetGets the changelog for a Country for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CountrygetFullAddressReturns a list of FullAddressgetCreates a FullAddresspostChecks permissions for a FullAddress entitypostValidates a FullAddresspostRemoves a FullAddress by iddeleteUpdates a FullAddress by idputGets the changelog for a FullAddress for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for FullAddressgetInstituteTypeRefReturns a list of InstituteTypeRefgetChecks permissions for an InstituteTypeRef entitypostReturns an InstituteTypeRef by idgetReturns the metadata for InstituteTypeRefgetLegacyCountryDetailReturns a list of LegacyCountryDetailgetCreates a LegacyCountryDetailpostChecks permissions for a LegacyCountryDetail entitypostValidates a LegacyCountryDetailpostRemoves a LegacyCountryDetail by iddeleteReturns a LegacyCountryDetail by idgetUpdates a LegacyCountryDetail by idputGets the changelog for a LegacyCountryDetail for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyCountryDetailgetNameDesignationReturns the metadata for NameDesignationgetReturns a list of NameDesignationgetChecks permissions for a NameDesignation entitypostValidates a NameDesignationpostGets the changelog for a NameDesignation for the specified idgetNamePrefixReturns the metadata for NamePrefixgetReturns a list of NamePrefixgetChecks permissions for a NamePrefix entitypostValidates a NamePrefixpostReturns a NamePrefix by idgetUpdates a NamePrefix by idputGets the changelog for a NamePrefix for the specified idgetNameSuffixReturns the metadata for NameSuffixgetReturns a list of NameSuffixgetChecks permissions for a NameSuffix entitypostValidates a NameSuffixpostReturns a NameSuffix by idgetUpdates a NameSuffix by idputGets the changelog for a NameSuffix for the specified idgetOrganizationReturns the metadata for OrganizationgetChecks permissions for an Organization entitypostGets the changelog for an Organization for the specified idgetPartyReturns the metadata for PartygetReturns a list of PartygetCreates a PartypostExecutes a Party operationpostChecks permissions for a Party entitypostValidates a PartypostRemoves a Party by iddeleteReturns a Party by idgetUpdates a Party by idputGets the changelog for a Party for the specified idgetPartyDuplicateReturns the metadata for PartyDuplicategetReturns a list of PartyDuplicategetExecutes a PartyDuplicate operationpostChecks permissions for a PartyDuplicate entitypostValidates a PartyDuplicatepostGets the changelog for a PartyDuplicate for the specified idgetPartyImageReturns the metadata for PartyImagegetReturns a list of PartyImagegetCreates a PartyImagepostExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a PartyImage entitypostValidates a PartyImagepostRemoves a PartyImage by iddeleteReturns a PartyImage by idgetUpdates a PartyImage by idputGets the changelog for a PartyImage for the specified idgetPartyNoteReturns the metadata for PartyNotegetReturns a list of PartyNotegetCreates a PartyNotepostChecks permissions for a PartyNote entitypostValidates a PartyNotepostRemoves a PartyNote by iddeleteReturns a PartyNote by idgetUpdates a PartyNote by idputGets the changelog for a PartyNote for the specified idgetPartySalutationReturns the metadata for PartySalutationgetReturns a list of PartySalutationgetChecks permissions for a PartySalutation entitypostValidates a PartySalutationpostReturns a PartySalutation by idgetGets the changelog for a PartySalutation for the specified idgetPartySalutationMethodSummaryReturns the metadata for PartySalutationMethodSummarygetReturns a list of PartySalutationMethodSummarygetChecks permissions for a PartySalutationMethodSummary entitypostValidates a PartySalutationMethodSummarypostReturns a PartySalutationMethodSummary by idgetUpdates a PartySalutationMethodSummary by idputGets the changelog for a PartySalutationMethodSummary for the specified idgetPartyStatusReturns the metadata for PartyStatusgetReturns a list of PartyStatusgetChecks permissions for a PartyStatus entitypostValidates a PartyStatuspostReturns a PartyStatus by idgetUpdates a PartyStatus by idputGets the changelog for a PartyStatus for the specified idgetPartySummaryReturns the metadata for PartySummarygetReturns a list of PartySummarygetChecks permissions for a PartySummary entitypostReturns a PartySummary by idgetPersonReturns the metadata for PersongetReturns a list of PersongetCreates a PersonpostChecks permissions for a Person entitypostValidates a PersonpostRemoves a Person by iddeleteReturns a Person by idgetUpdates a Person by idputGets the changelog for a Person for the specified idgetPartyMergeExecutes a PartyMerge operationpostChecks permissions for a PartyMerge entitypostUserReturns a list of UsergetExecutes a GenericExecuteRequestpostChecks permissions for a User entitypostReturns a User by idgetGets the changelog for a User for the specified idgetRemoves an EventSummary by iddelete https://yourorgsite.com/api/EventSummary/{EventSummaryId}Removes an instance of EventSummary by id