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Find party using filter

Find party using filter operator

Search filters are entered into the querystring.

Filter Names:



This list is incomplete. As more search filters are discovered, they will be added to this list.

  • firstName
  • lastName
  • email
  • cityName
  • countrySubEntityName (State / Province)
  • updatedOn (Does not always appear to filter correctly)
  • createdOn

Data Types:

  • string: URL encode, pass as-is
    • Example: ?filter=hello%20,world
  • number: Pass as-is
    • Example: ?filter=4
  • date: Pass in IS08601 format
    • Example: ?filter=2017-06-25
  • boolean: Use isTrue: and isFalse: filters
    • Example: ?filter=isTrue:

Operator Names:

  • between (usage: ?filter=between:item1|item2, items separated by a |)
  • contains
  • endsWith
  • equal, eq, or ==
  • greaterThan, gt, or >
  • greaterThanOrEqual, ge, or >=
  • in (usage: ?filter=in:item1|item2|item3|..., items separated by a |)
  • isEmpty, empty (usage: ?filter=isEmpty:, no parameter after :)
  • isFalse, false (usage: ?filter=isFalse:, no parameter after :)
  • isTrue, true (usage: ?filter=isTrue:, no parameter after :)
  • lessThan, lt, <
  • lessThanOrEqual, le, <=
  • notContain, !contain
  • notEmpty, !empty
  • notEqual, ne, !=
  • startsWith
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