Duplicate Check at Sign-Up
How do we do a duplicate check at account creation that checks for parameters such as full name, address, and email?
Order Stage Processing Request
Updating Username via the UserSecurity endpoint
We are trying to update a user's username (as a staff user) using the 'UpdateUserName' operation available with the UserSecurity end point but it requires us to pass the user's current password. How do we update the username without having to send the password which we won't have available.
401 Unauthorised on API calls with necessary access
Hey guys, wondering if anyone has come across something like this. Getting a strange bug when making some on page API calls. The calls work just fine on my computer, but one colleague has troubles making the exact same requests.
Using IMIS forms calls REST what's the best practice for error handling
Using IMIS forms calls REST what's the best practice recommended if the rest call fails? Support believed the recommendation is that developers should be using the Circuit Breaker pattern with API calls, i.e. they give up after x failures and do not spam the API however this would result in missing data.
Possible to convert a user from public to full user via REST ?
Possible to convert a user from public to full user via REST ?
ComboOrder object for Cart Post API call
For the cart data post data the below shown properties are required in the post object:
"$type": "Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.CartData, Asi.Contracts",
"CartId": "4fa583e9-4adf-4180-8f82-226fa87a5ec1",
"UserId": "12838",
"ComboOrder": { ... },
"UpdateInformation": { ... }
For latest collection of endpoints used to access the iMIS RESTful interface through POSTMAN
I am using the endpoints collections which is provided here - https://github.com/Advsol/iMISRESTCollection. The version is 20.3.44. But, it seems like the collection is an old version of the end points. So, can anyone please provide the latest collection of end points collection for using it through POSTMAN?
Processing Cash Payment after posting Batch
I'll explain my scenario here. What I'm looking to do is apply a payment to the batch and only apply the payment to the member's dues balance if the batch has been posted.