API Caching?
I am trying to get the status of a product by making a call to Item endpoint shortly after the product status has changed and I find that even though I can see the product as inactive in the database, This call will return active upwards of 15 mins after the status has changed.
REST API - LegacyBillingItem with forward slash in ItemId
Hello - I have a billing item with an ItemId of "CHAPT/NORTH". I need to update the product using an API PUT request, but the slash in the name is preventing me, even if I encode it.
Create Voluntary Contribution Subscription with price
Is there a way to create a voluntary contribution in the Subscriptions table and pass the dollar amount?
How do I create an organization record with a parent ID
How to recreate 'Register Myself'/'Register Someone Else' buttons on Events through the API
iMIS EMS: Self-hosting ASI.dlls
Is there a way to insert/update badge lines using RESTAPI into Order_badge?
Hi, I would like to know if API does a POST request to insert/update badge lines into Order_badge table.
iMIS EMS and contact picture URLs
I am working on an integration with a third-party directory system for an iMIS EMS client. We know that iMIS stores the contact pictures in a business object that we can use in an IQA query. However, when the third party pulls the IQA data over the iMIS API, the data sent for the image is the raw SQL blob data.
How to recreate 'Cancel My Registration' button on Events through the API
How to Query in a GenericPropertyDataCollection REST API
Hello, when I have multiple values in a json result, but I want to query just those that have one "Name" with value "AB", how can I build the query for this ?