Request - /api/GroupMember - GroupClassId query param
Onlie Store or Shop into Mobile Application Integration
We have eCommerce Store, https://members.crsi.org/Members/Store. How can we implement this into our Mobile Application without Header and Footer, please advice.
how to get API for MCI/IMIS Inagration
MCI requirements to be filled by ACA / IMIS
API Documentation and/or URL
Production endpoint
Staging/Testing endpoint
Authentication method and calls to make with expected response
Community Members Not in GroupMember Endpoint
Is it not possible to update iMIS communities through the GroupMember endpoint? There seems to be references to Community Members in the documentation but I cannot get the community to pull back in Group Summary nor can I get the members to pull back in GroupMember. Any assistance is appreciated.
The /Item and /ProductItem endpoints aren't returning the Title field
I'm trying to update products using either the /Item or /ProductItem endpoints, and the response when I call a GET doesn't include the Title field. It's just not there. When I update the field I'm trying to update (WebOption) and PUT it back, it fails with "Title field missing". If I add the Title field (which I don't want to update) it's accepted. Why is it missing and if it's by design what endpoint should I be using. Thanks.
Creating new data sources through the API
Is it possible to create new data sources via the REST API? I could not find documentation in the current API reference just for Panel Definition and Panel Datasource itself.
PartyImage Public Access
Apologies for any ignorance, I'm not a developer beyond Python Dev but simply trying to pull logos from the partyImage endpoint. My python script is simple:
Is approval possible in CertificationProgramRegistration API?
When enrolling a Party to the CertificationProgramRegistration endpoint any components that are marked as requiring approval will have the "Awaiting Approval" status. Is there an option to mark that component complete in the API without staff involvement?
Displaying content record properties in HTML in RISE
Can you hyperlink a profile image?
When building an IQA using CsNamePicture as a source and displaying the Picture Logo as column a column in the query, iMIS will display the profile image. Is there a way to hyperlink the image to an internal content page? I tried to do by placing a URL in the Link column within the display line of the query. The text of the link was /Directories/Member_Roster.aspx?ID[code_ID]. While the link worked just fine, the images were all replaced by hyperlinked text that displayed as "System.Byte[]".