JUMP TOGeneraliMIS REST APIiMIS SDKAccountingBatchSummaryReturns a list of BatchSummarygetCreates a BatchSummarypostExecutes a BatchSummary operationpostValidates a BatchSummarypostReturns a BatchSummary by idgetUpdates a BatchSummary by idputRemoves a BatchSummary by iddeleteGets the changelog for a BatchSummary for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for BatchSummarygetCreditInvoiceExportReturns a list of CreditInvoiceExportgetCreates a CreditInvoiceExportpostExecutes a CreditInvoiceExport operationpostValidates a CreditInvoiceExportpostReturns a CreditInvoiceExport by idgetUpdates a CreditInvoiceExport by idputGets the changelog for a CreditInvoiceExport for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CreditInvoiceExportgetCreditInvoiceExportItemReturns a list of CreditInvoiceExportItemgetCreates a CreditInvoiceExportItempostExecutes a CreditInvoiceExportItem operationpostValidates a CreditInvoiceExportItempostReturns a CreditInvoiceExportItem by idgetGets the changelog for a CreditInvoiceExportItem for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for CreditInvoiceExportItemgetDeferralMatrixReturns a list of DeferralMatrixgetCreates a DeferralMatrixpostExecutes a DeferralMatrix operationpostValidates a DeferralMatrixpostReturns a DeferralMatrix by idgetUpdates a DeferralMatrix by idputRemoves a DeferralMatrix by iddeleteGets the changelog for a DeferralMatrix for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for DeferralMatrixgetDuesImportPackageExecutes a DuesImportPackage operationpostGLAccountReturns a list of GLAccountgetCreates a GLAccountpostExecutes a GLAccount operationpostValidates a GLAccountpostReturns a GLAccount by idgetUpdates a GLAccount by idputRemoves a GLAccount by iddeleteGets the changelog for a GLAccount for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GLAccountgetGLExportReturns a list of GLExportgetCreates a GLExportpostExecutes a GLExport operationpostValidates a GLExportpostReturns a GLExport by idgetGets the changelog for a GLExport for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for GLExportgetLegacyDueToDueFromReturns a list of LegacyDueToDueFromgetCreates a LegacyDueToDueFrompostValidates a LegacyDueToDueFrompostReturns a LegacyDueToDueFrom by idgetUpdates a LegacyDueToDueFrom by idputRemoves a LegacyDueToDueFrom by iddeleteGets the changelog for a LegacyDueToDueFrom for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyDueToDueFromgetLegacyVatRuleReturns a list of LegacyVatRulegetCreates a LegacyVatRulepostExecutes a LegacyVatRule operationpostValidates a LegacyVatRulepostReturns a LegacyVatRule by idgetUpdates a LegacyVatRule by idputRemoves a LegacyVatRule by iddeleteGets the changelog for a LegacyVatRule for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyVatRulegetLegacyVatRuleSetReturns a list of LegacyVatRuleSetgetCreates a LegacyVatRuleSetpostExecutes a LegacyVatRuleSet operationpostValidates a LegacyVatRuleSetpostReturns a LegacyVatRuleSet by idgetUpdates a LegacyVatRuleSet by idputRemoves a LegacyVatRuleSet by iddeleteGets the changelog for a LegacyVatRuleSet for the specified idgetReturns the metadata for LegacyVatRuleSetgetPriceSheetReturns the metadata for PriceSheetgetReturns a list of PriceSheetgetCreates a PriceSheetpostValidates a PriceSheetpostReturns a PriceSheet by idgetUpdates a PriceSheet by idputRemoves a PriceSheet by iddeleteGets the changelog for a PriceSheet for the specified idgetPriceSheetSummaryReturns the metadata for PriceSheetSummarygetReturns a list of PriceSheetSummarygetCreates a PriceSheetSummarypostExecutes a PriceSheetSummary operationpostValidates a PriceSheetSummarypostReturns a PriceSheetSummary by idgetUpdates a PriceSheetSummary by idputRemoves a PriceSheetSummary by iddeleteGets the changelog for a PriceSheetSummary for the specified idgetTaxAuthorityReturns the metadata for TaxAuthoritygetReturns a list of TaxAuthoritygetCreates a TaxAuthoritypostValidates a TaxAuthoritypostReturns a TaxAuthority by idgetUpdates a TaxAuthority by idputRemoves a TaxAuthority by iddeleteGets the changelog for a TaxAuthority for the specified idgetTaxAuthoritySummaryReturns the metadata for TaxAuthoritySummarygetReturns a list of TaxAuthoritySummarygetCreates a TaxAuthoritySummarypostExecutes a TaxAuthoritySummary operationpostValidates a TaxAuthoritySummarypostReturns a TaxAuthoritySummary by idgetUpdates a TaxAuthoritySummary by idputRemoves a TaxAuthoritySummary by iddeleteGets the changelog for a TaxAuthoritySummary for the specified idgetTaxCategorySummaryReturns the metadata for TaxCategorySummarygetReturns a list of TaxCategorySummarygetCreates a TaxCategorySummarypostExecutes a TaxCategorySummary operationpostValidates a TaxCategorySummarypostReturns a TaxCategorySummary by idgetUpdates a TaxCategorySummary by idputRemoves a TaxCategorySummary by iddeleteGets the changelog for a TaxCategorySummary for the specified idgetTaxScheduleReturns the metadata for TaxSchedulegetReturns a list of TaxSchedulegetCreates a TaxSchedulepostExecutes a TaxSchedule operationpostValidates a TaxSchedulepostReturns a TaxSchedule by idgetUpdates a TaxSchedule by idputRemoves a TaxSchedule by iddeleteGets the changelog for a TaxSchedule for the specified idgetTaxScheduleSummaryReturns the metadata for TaxScheduleSummarygetReturns a list of TaxScheduleSummarygetCreates a TaxScheduleSummarypostExecutes a TaxScheduleSummary operationpostValidates a TaxScheduleSummarypostReturns a TaxScheduleSummary by idgetUpdates a TaxScheduleSummary by idputRemoves a TaxScheduleSummary by iddeleteGets the changelog for a TaxScheduleSummary for the specified idgetAdvertisingAdAdju